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sorry at work & i can't access the image. imagine the 07 fabirc but cut like a workshirt & then put snaps on said workshirt . . .
was just curious to get other takes from the forum. just stumbled on it this morning when i was look at the .jp site instead of doing my morning workout . . .
thanks for the imagination mickey…just saw the images. i wonder if it's the exact same fabric as the 07...if so, then i'd love to see a shirt made in a lighter weight fabric though as the 07/91. would be pretty sweet imo!
and i hear you on browsing the forum and missing the morning workout ^^ -
I am curious as well. But I think the stripes are slightly wider than those of 07.
The last time I purchased athletic pants I was 250 lbs and wore the biggest size I could and would sag to make sure they were long enough…. Long story short I now weigh 165 and sm in much better shape than I was way back then however I'm tired of wearing shorts to the gym when it's freezing cold outside. Csn anyone point me in a direction to someplace that carries athletic pants (similar to nike dri-fit or something) that has at least a 36" inseam, bring that 32 years old I just don't feel like I can pull off that sag-my-pants-because I'm cool look anymore. Man, I HATE being tall... Finding anything that fits is like going on a humongous time consuming journey to find a diamond on the rough. What I would give to be a foot shorter.
Lululemon's tall size pants are 36" inseam.
They make outstanding pants for the gym.
Your my hero M. Thanks a mil
Tatman, I know it sucks being that tall but you should make the most of it! Seriously, being tall commands a lot of respect and many people would kill for it…..I've even heard of people literally trying to lengthen themselves through what seems to be almost like a torture device.
Anyone ever use the Shoehealer for a resole job, please comment? www.shoehealer.co.uk
Tatman, I know it sucks being that tall but you should make the most of it! Seriously, being tall commands a lot of respect and many people would kill for it…..I've even heard of people literally trying to lengthen themselves through what seems to be almost like a torture device.
Those people need their heads checked.
Seriously though, like anything it has it's ups and downs.. The perks are things like you mentioned the downsides, at least for me, is finding clothes that fit, cars that fit, etc. I remember going to look at a mustang to purchase back when the body style first changed in the 90s, I was in live with mustangs at the time for some reason, and was so stoked, had the money together for the down payment had already talked to the bank about a loan and everything was set…. And then I attempted to sit in the one I had been eyeing and feck me if I couldn't get in at all even with the seat cranked back as far as it could go... This was the first time of MSNY car ventures that have led to disappointment. It's just particularly frustrating when you really like nice things but tall folks get left outbid the equation because it's just not economical to make goods for the small percentage of people with legs or arms as long as mine. But as you said, there is always a bright side to every gloomy cloud
Give us some hints Rafa, do you need a hood, waterproof, padded/ insulated?
What about an N3B? Classic winter wear and I might have a Buzz One going for a good price
I was going to recommend the IHJ-08, but I don't think there are any left on IH.co.uk in your size
^^ an A-2 for winter? yeah right d.
Give us some hints Rafa, do you need a hood, waterproof, padded/ insulated?
What about an N3B? Classic winter wear and I might have a Buzz One going for a good price
no N3B for me, sry
a nice p-coat (IH, BR, …) would be right up my alley...or something like the 3sixteen duffle coat would be the kindy style i'm after!
Thought you mentioned the IH peacoat before. I just assumed you'd already set your heart on it?
will do buddy…only waiting for my halbtax
Thought you mentioned the IH peacoat before. I just assumed you'd already set your heart on it?
size is gone atm! -.-
Ah!.. :(. I'm sure you will find something before frostbite sets in