Random questions to which you seek an answer
Snowy, Is this why you chose to be in Japan at this time?
Snowy, Is this why you chose to be in Japan at this time?
We heard about it the day it was on and were both bummed we were travelling the wrong direction. What a trip!
Ok, this is based off my post in random rants about my crotch issue (with my jeans…not my crotch).
Right now there aren't any actual holes in the crotch. Just a few broken warp threads and a whole lot more on the way out. I have read (and it makes good sense) that it's better to attack these things early. So, given these pictures:
Should I:
try and sew thread directly over it using my wife's normal sewing machine? (like below)
just go for it and put in a fabric patch along with the aformentioned sewing? (like picture below)
Send them off to get darned (is it too early for that?)?My goal is to fix this now before it becomes a real problem, and then not have to worry about it again for a long time. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure…but I want to use a pound of prevention. Because of that, I'm leaning towards option 2: patching and sewing. What do you guys think?
Is there a resource for this somewhere on the forum beyond the list of where to send jeans?
(all images stolen from rawrdenim)
Does anyone have any experience with Windows Phone 8? A recommended handset? Transition concerns from iPhone?
Why can't their be more stuff made for tall people with long legs and long arms. Finding clothes is like panning for gold.
I recently bought a pair of IH-666S from Self Edge online. I got the size 38 as I asked around regarding my measurements and this size was supposed to be ideal. After two 60 minute hot water soaks, they're still a little roomy. When measured across the waist, as shown on this forum, there's about a half inch more than I need.
Any recommendations on what to do to make them fit better? Taloring? A hotter hot soak? I'd rather not sell them if they can be saved. They're such beautiful jeans.
but as long as theyre not falling down and the fit elsewhere is fine, is it really a problem? most of my jeans are a little loose in the waist. a hot wash usually tightens things up though; the added agitation makes em shrink more than just a soak.
They do stay up, just sit a lower than I'd like. When I belt them, I can feel the waistband bunch up a little in the back.
Yeah, and then I got an empty box with a note from US Customs…
but as long as theyre not falling down and the fit elsewhere is fine, is it really a problem? most of my jeans are a little loose in the waist. a hot wash usually tightens things up though; the added agitation makes em shrink more than just a soak.
did a hot wash and hang dry and they fit perfectly. Thanks so much for the recommendation.