Random questions to which you seek an answer
That jacket is quite possibly the most disgusting thing I have seen on this forum since Seuls Dior boots
Come on @Megatron1505 it's "crafted with cotton sourced from a historical British mill"
Oh wait, the Titanic is old, British and historical
So are we @Giles
C'mon- it's a contemporary icon of style and utility. How could that be bad?
It looks like something that was auctioned from Neverland after Michael Jackson died.
That jacket is quite possibly the most disgusting thing I have seen on this forum since Seuls Dior boots
It looks like something that was auctioned from Neverland after Michael Jackson died.
Again, how could that be bad?
Ask McCauley and Bubbles
That jacket is quite possibly the most disgusting thing I have seen on this forum since Seuls Dior boots
From my man @Megatron1505's post I have drawn up an IH forum's Most Disgusting Thing Timeline:
<–---- Seul's Dior boots in 2010
<–------ Belstaff Racemaster Jacket in 2015
The funny thing is this would be just an average day on Styleforum
LOVE IH forum -
@TheHappyHatter , brilliant
sure, can do! -
Ask him if they are Dior replacements first
DHL to Belgium would be:
5kg ~ 17€,
10kg ~ 22€.
Mostly every other courier service will be a few bucks cheaper. -
G and P…where have you guys spent your vacation? @Giles @Madame Buttonfly
still searchin for a nice place to go at the end of march/start of april…just searching for a nice warm place, where i can spend 10-14day just relaxing, sipping a cocktail or two at the beach and just enjoy myself while doing nothing at all!others can chime in on this as well...the more places i know of the more interesting it gets
thanks in advance.