IH-NO-LOT - 21oz Selvedge Denim Super Slim Tapered Cut Jeans - Overdyed Black
That’s great to hear @aproy. Love for the 666 and the anticipation of your No Lot return.
That’s great to hear @aproy. Love for the 666 and the anticipation of your No Lot return.
They should probably be worn a bit more…
And glad to see someone else wears jeans when working at a gym
It’s been a little for me, but it was a staple for sure!
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I should have bought these instead of the 777. This top block looks betterand it's got nice tapering.
x-post No Lot love
Such a great fitting jean. I don't think I've seen a bad pair on anyone yet!
Looking sharp Jordan, especially good with those boots!
Thanks @Anesthetist they fit absolutely perfect and the OD is so soft it makes the slim cut jean not seem so slim.
@Giles has the whole story of the "f-up" been told?
also, if they get remade they will need a proper name. or is "No Lot" proper enough?
Didn’t really need another pair of denim. But really couldn’t pass these up. Should be here in a couple days
Didn’t really need another pair of denim. But really couldn’t pass these up. Should be here in a couple days
By all accounts, you won’t be disappointed.
If they get remade they will need a proper name. or is "No Lot" proper enough?
NO-LOT will fit on a patch without a problem so that could be allowed to perpetuate if these were to be a outlier cut only made occasionally.
However if they became a core cut then I feel they would need a proper lot number. «000» would be the obvious choice, referring to origins while riffing on then trend of Giles concieved cuts having three repeated digits. I quite like «050» though. «N» is used for «0» in Latin «none/nil/nullus), 50 being the numeric value of the Roman numeral «L». So 050 is NL for No Lot.
Didn’t really need another pair of denim. But really couldn’t pass these up. Should be here in a couple days
By all accounts, you won’t be disappointed.
They get here tomorrow and I thought about leaving work early to “attend to an urgent matter”. Lol