Craft Works - Let's Get Creative!
That's sick, d666!
I can't speak with complete authority, but I helped a glassblower friend build a new furnace one winter in exchange for some lessons. Blowing glass is a really immediate art. If you're really confident, and sure of what result you want, to blow and shape the main body of a bong like that could happen in less than an hour–start to finish. I've seen dudes lampwork bowls in like, fifteen minutes. The part of the process that takes a long time is annealing, which is letting your finished pieces cool slowly in a really hot oven that slowly reduces temperature, so that the piece won't crack or explode from cooling too quickly. I think 24 hours minimum to anneal blown glass.
Again, fine work d666.
Nice, what does it do?
Nice, what does it do?
Looks like a vase with a hole in the bottom so you can make sure there's water for your flowers.
Jeff's an inventor too :o How exciting
Blowing glass was much fun. The lesson was $200 I made a "special" vase, Laura made a wavy bowl and Jake made a paper weight. Next time we go back I will take the 2 hour class for $300. The bong took roughly 20 min to make excluding the heat treating which took 24 hours. Andrew is the owner highly recommend going if you are in the Manchester, VT area.
The 3 hour class is 2 hours long, dude I smell a rat
^Haha dick head, good catch on my typo
Need to check it out
I had a friend in Florida that did a fair bit of blacksmith work, he even built his own kiln. He told me that forging pieces was often the more enjoyable and easier part. Of course most of his work went on horses feet or were part of a larger project.
I'd be interested in seeing what you could accomplish with it Zach. Your gear with hand forged buckles, buttons, conchos, etc? I want to see that