Random Announcements
Happy Anniversary to the Iron Heart Forum.
Keep up the great work Stubborn Crew
also - super rats in England..
Nordengland in Aufruhr: In Bradford, West Yorkshire, sind mehrere bis zu 70 Zentimeter große Ratten aufgetaucht.
Basically the article states that there are rats about 70 cm long in Bradford, and the guy was shaking when he shot one…what a wuss
Iron Heart is 25 years old, right?.. Is it possible to see some flicks of some of the first IH pieces?.. Anyone has some, or a link?..
Perfect time to resurrect this thread: http://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=332.0
Was just informed that I sold 3 pairs of shoes. Big bucks coming in the mail manana!!!
Just wanted to hit the sack, pulled back the cover, and 2 huge black spiders ran for cover… I am not afraid of spiders, but please go contribute to the environment somewhere else kthx...
E: and I managed to lock one in another room and trapped the other and released it outside. Spiderman!..
yeah, it's decent if a little general. epi 2 (shoes) is a little more interesting. looks like they have a new one up…
All. I am thinking of moving to the dark side (yep, dumping the bloody Windows thing and getting a Mac). I am not (by any stretch of the imagination, a power user), but I do like to have at least a million windows open at once. Don't particularly care about screen size. Any recommendations? G
All. I am thinking of moving to the dark side (yep, dumping the bloody Windows thing and getting a Mac). I am not (by any stretch of the imagination, a power user), but I do like to have at least a million windows open at once. Don't particularly care about screen size. Any recommendations? G
If you keep an eye on the Apple Store, you can get refurbished 21" iMacs for under $1,000. Just saw one for $929 yesterday when looking for a friend. Rufurbs come and go on the site ($929 option not available currently, but could show back up again at any point)…
The refurbs are a good deal. I've bought refurbished Macs a few times, as have friends, and have had no problems. Have same 1 year warranty as new machine (they are essentially new). If you don't need notebook, the iMac is a good machine. 21" display is nice too.