Random Announcements
Iron Heart is 25 years old, right?.. Is it possible to see some flicks of some of the first IH pieces?.. Anyone has some, or a link?..
Perfect time to resurrect this thread: http://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=332.0
Was just informed that I sold 3 pairs of shoes. Big bucks coming in the mail manana!!!
Just wanted to hit the sack, pulled back the cover, and 2 huge black spiders ran for cover… I am not afraid of spiders, but please go contribute to the environment somewhere else kthx...
E: and I managed to lock one in another room and trapped the other and released it outside. Spiderman!..
yeah, it's decent if a little general. epi 2 (shoes) is a little more interesting. looks like they have a new one up…
All. I am thinking of moving to the dark side (yep, dumping the bloody Windows thing and getting a Mac). I am not (by any stretch of the imagination, a power user), but I do like to have at least a million windows open at once. Don't particularly care about screen size. Any recommendations? G
All. I am thinking of moving to the dark side (yep, dumping the bloody Windows thing and getting a Mac). I am not (by any stretch of the imagination, a power user), but I do like to have at least a million windows open at once. Don't particularly care about screen size. Any recommendations? G
If you keep an eye on the Apple Store, you can get refurbished 21" iMacs for under $1,000. Just saw one for $929 yesterday when looking for a friend. Rufurbs come and go on the site ($929 option not available currently, but could show back up again at any point)…
The refurbs are a good deal. I've bought refurbished Macs a few times, as have friends, and have had no problems. Have same 1 year warranty as new machine (they are essentially new). If you don't need notebook, the iMac is a good machine. 21" display is nice too.
i start at the university of california, berkeley in 2 hours. nice.
DEP. Good luck (which I'm sure you won't need) and enjoy (which I'm sure I don't have to say)…..
Likewise. I know I sure as fuck did…