Random Announcements
Nice email today….
Dear Iron Heart Team,
I have purchased my first Iron Heart Denim back in 2009.
As a former international project manager it travelled the whole world with me from building site to building site and is still going strong.
Over the years i have ordered every now and then an additional pair, ending up that my leg ware has transformed to 100% Iron Heart.
I don´t mind the coolness factor, but am totally impressed by the material and craftsmanship.
Recently i have developed a product born out my interests for off road travel, cooking (and eating), well made items and tetris.
I have started a small company and made a short film of me and my wife demonstrating the result.
What else could i have worn besides my first and favourite pair of Iron Hearts:
Just wanted to share this moment with you.
Many thanks for bringing clothing of this quality to Europe!
**we gonna do some spring cleaning to the sale board next weekend February 14/15, any active sale threads showing no activity since December 1st will be locked and moved into going going gone.
For those of you that have threads in question open, please update 'em in the next days, in case you wanna keep them alive, thank you.**
for those interested a documentary about what was going on in the early 90s in Europe's (maybe even world's) biggest open drug scene within the heart of Zurich City.
Fuck all other flannels, IH for life!
You must be roasting
This week was Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week. Heart defects cause more childhood deaths than all forms of cancer combined.
My son has puked on and of for a day. My wife start earlier today. My daughter just threw up all over my bed. After cleaning her I put her to bed in her own bed. 10 minutes later everything started over again.
I just put her to bed again. After changing her sheets twice and mine once . What a night this will be. Epic I say. And I know what is waiting for me around the corner.