Random Announcements
You must be roasting
This week was Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week. Heart defects cause more childhood deaths than all forms of cancer combined.
My son has puked on and of for a day. My wife start earlier today. My daughter just threw up all over my bed. After cleaning her I put her to bed in her own bed. 10 minutes later everything started over again.
I just put her to bed again. After changing her sheets twice and mine once . What a night this will be. Epic I say. And I know what is waiting for me around the corner. -
@nizzel55 I feel you pain. Went through this last year. If you live near a health food store pick up some activated charcoal pills. They don't prevent the bug but they do absorb most of the virus in your stomach and gut. Less puking and the other. They got me through a horrendous bug going around last year.
Sort of like this without the Cone…..?
In a battle of knifey spooney ….. Giles never loses (Simpsons reference which only @Seul will understand)
Sort of like this without the Cone…..?
Really like that one…
In a battle of knifey spooney ….. Giles never loses (Simpsons reference which only @Seul will understand)
Ill take a coffee….Beer? C-o-f-f......b-e-e-r
Another juvenile humour fan