Random Announcements
there is a fellow Iron Heart wearer that lives in my same apartment complex. I've told him nice jeans at least twice, but he was still distant. we both like something bro, i'm not going to be mean to you.
Oakland, CA 9XX11
ISIS has banned skinny jeans according to the Daily Mail! :o
Looks like the Iron Heart Army isn't welcome in Syria!
A crackdown on hipsters can't be all bad.
Good to have you back, I don't feel so guilty harassing you with emails when we're in the same time zone
Ffs, I'm going to have to come to Japan with you now to remind you
A crackdown on hipsters can't be all bad.
When ISIS came for the Hipsters,
I remained silent;
I was not a Hipster.When they locked up the smokers,
I remained silent;
I was not a smoker.When they came for the Rainbow weft wearers,
I did not speak out;
I was never a rainbow weft guy.When they came for the PF Flyer’s fanatics,
I remained silent;
I could care less about PF Flyer’s.When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out. -
Ffs, I'm going to have to come to Japan with you now to remind you
Do it! Minitron will understand
High 5 @indigo bitch / @trail and arrow
Congratulations @trail and arrow and @indigo bitch. I hope @emil likes his new brother!
BAD-A-BOOM …. concrats!!!
damn it @ work can't see the images.
Congrats @trail and arrow, @indigo bitch & @emil .