Random Announcements
2 days ago I was in Europe's biggest water park, at 7am this morning I was sat on a sun terrace in Santa Susanna near Barcelona, now I'm at home sat on my bed and it's raining….the week has gone down hill fast.
As an American ^these pantalons depress me.
As an American ^these pantalons depress me.
An Okie in "The Grapes of Wrath" would find them depressing.
Spotted in Barcelona, the official denim of "American People"
what rotten luck,
buy a ThinkPad next time! -
Or he could spend 7 bucks and get this
@DougNg unfortunately, I do not think that would help. When @Madame Buttonfly does it, she takes no prisoners. She contrives to create a tsunami of coffee upon the table top, it then enters the air vents at some considerable force, the opposite way to these arrows….
Last BBQ of the summer at my mate's yesterday (despite autumn weather)… My mate woke up at 6 am on his couch, naked, not remembering much... My other mate threw up all over the place when he got home...
Me?.. I got up at 10am, showered, had two pistolets with salmon and herb cheese, a 30' nap, and am now thinking what beer I'll be having tonight...
Remember fellas: if you're gonna be drinking hard, eat as much as you can, don't mix, and drink water in between!..
/seasoned drunk out
I had an ENT consultation today. Part of it involved having a fibre optic instrument inserted into my nose. This felt like a scene from a sci-fi film, and isn't an experience I'd recommend.
Anyway it turns out I've got a
deviantdeviated septum, and enlarged inferior Turbinates.So sometime next year I'll be getting things bashed into shape, and drilled, bored and countersunk. Sounds painful…
When @Madame Buttonfly does it, she takes no prisoners. She contrives to create a tsunami of coffee upon the table top, it then enters the air vents at some considerable force, the opposite way to these arrows….
I have to defend myself! A gust of wind blew through our marquee blowing stuff everywhere - as I tried to keep things under control I knocked over a coffee (not mine) - anyway, I am paying the price for my clumsiness as I now have to check G's email as well as my own until he gets back to Gosport on Friday
WWWWWHHHHAAAT!? It was never my fault… partly my fault. It was terrible luck and considering me and Paula were just that second talking about the last time Giles's mac was destroyed by a spilt coffee we really should have known better.
I too am paying the price as i have to read giles's emails as he drives and i get car sick when reading. All hath been punished.
Perhaps it was merely a strategic move by G to reduce his workload??? [emoji16]
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I had an ENT consultation today. Part of it involved having a fibre optic instrument inserted into my nose. This felt like a scene from a sci-fi film, and isn't an experience I'd recommend.
Anyway it turns out I've got a
deviantdeviated septum, and enlarged inferior Turbinates.So sometime next year I'll be getting things bashed into shape, and drilled, bored and countersunk. Sounds painful…
[/quote]The first night and morning after will suck since you'll probably have splints in your nose. After you learn to breath with them and the swelling starts to subside you'll be good. I don't know how they do things in Australia, but I always treat my ENT patients as high risk for post-op nausea. The positive thing is that you'll probably breathe and sleep a LOT better.