Random Announcements
Idk if you remember me saying I was going to take a break a while back. But I am taking a break. Too many notifications, porn bots and stuff. Like I mentioned ear buds to a friend and all the sudden I have ads popping up for earbuds, and then constant notifications like, "Suzy Fuckface, who you might know is on IG". And you can't turn them completely off. And if I were to block all notifications then when people send me messages I won't know. So I just disabled it.
I'll probably come back eventually. But I never did get any time off because we're playing catch-up from COVID-19 and like all the jobs that cancelled last year are back on all at once. So I am averaging about 85 hours a week and maybe one day off every two weeks or so.. you might remember I had an account with like 500 followers a couple years back and I had like 500 followers after a couple months this time.
But I will continue to be here at my favorite place ever same as usual as much as possible.
Nice one Mike. I don't have any social media accounts at all. This forum is as close as I get, and I avoid that now quite a bit too.
Online can be quite a toxic environment. It is much healthier for me to have personal contact in a meaningful way with the handful of people that mean something to me.
That said, I appreciate that social media can be invaluable for many, if moderated and they understand how big tech utilise it.
I walked through Chelmsford City centre a couple of weeks ago (VERY small UK city) and consciously counted the number of people walking and looking at their phones. My 6 Yr old son and I had lunch at a deli, we played a card game called top trumps. It's good for helping maths and general knowledge. The amount of people out with friends and family having lunch but looking at their phones, watching videos with the sound up obnoxiously loud, it made me despair.
Still, who and I to spoil their 'fun'? Thank goodness my son only uses tech at school, and tha his last school report has him excelling. Clearly not losing out to tech.
Yep @Filthy I grapple with this all the time. I've gotten to where I use Insta very little, and I really just keep it around for learning about new denim-y things and occasionally putting out some music.
For me, the bigger problem is just the phone in general, the constant urge to check / look. Email, shopping, ads ads ads. I'm trying to get up in the morning and not even look at it for a couple hours, making progress but it's slow. Fuck it's hard!
Anyway, I applaud any such efforts. My attention span has turned to shit and I'm determined to get it back.
Idk if you remember me saying I was going to take a break a while back. But I am taking a break. Too many notifications, porn bots and stuff. Like I mentioned ear buds to a friend and all the sudden I have ads popping up for earbuds, and then constant notifications like, "Suzy Fuckface, who you might know is on IG". And you can't turn them completely off. And if I were to block all notifications then when people send me messages I won't know. So I just disabled it.
I'll probably come back eventually. But I never did get any time off because we're playing catch-up from COVID-19 and like all the jobs that cancelled last year are back on all at once. So I am averaging about 85 hours a week and maybe one day off every two weeks or so.. you might remember I had an account with like 500 followers a couple years back and I had like 500 followers after a couple months this time.
But I will continue to be here at my favorite place ever same as usual as much as possible.
Nice one Mike. I don't have any social media accounts at all. This forum is as close as I get, and I avoid that now quite a bit too.
Online can be quite a toxic environment. It is much healthier for me to have personal contact in a meaningful way with the handful of people that mean something to me.
That said, I appreciate that social media can be invaluable for many, if moderated and they understand how big tech utilise it.
I walked through Chelmsford City centre a couple of weeks ago (VERY small UK city) and consciously counted the number of people walking and looking at their phones. My 6 Yr old son and I had lunch at a deli, we played a card game called top trumps. It's good for helping maths and general knowledge. The amount of people out with friends and family having lunch but looking at their phones, watching videos with the sound up obnoxiously loud, it made me despair.
Still, who and I to spoil their 'fun'? Thank goodness my son only uses tech at school, and tha his last school report has him excelling. Clearly not losing out to tech.
I loved Top Trumps, you can get them now in all different types but when I was at school it was mainly planes, cars and ships.
We love a game of UNO.
I loved Top Trumps, you can get them now in all different types but when I was at school it was mainly planes, cars and ships.
The dinosaur pack was my favourite. WW2 planes next and the tank deck was badass. Interesting how much I know about weapon/war. The military fetishes 70´s and 80´s kids grew up with, don't seem to have affected the generation negatively at all.
Equally, a wonderful thing with the modern world is that my smalls enjoy a game of uno and lego building, and a half hour on the iPad in turns. At the same time while my teens have their SoMe/phone habit, they still readily gather around the table for social/political discussion, go bathing or hiking. Amazing that a human can do both…
Sorry guys, I've been so crazy busy. I appreciate the well wishes xx
Had an aero yog after my tea today because I'm a manchild, peeled back the lid and this was there. Happy weekend folks
I lost eight pounds since Tuesday due to intermittent fasting. This means I only eat two or three meals and then nothing for like sixteen hours. You can drink water while you are fasting. You can eat whenever you want for your two meals. As much as you want.
@Filthy I have been intermittent fasting for nearly 2 years now. Best I felt for a long time.
It's the easiest diet I have ever done. I am kind of surprised how easy.
I lost eight pounds since Tuesday due to intermittent fasting. This means I only eat two or three meals and then nothing for like sixteen hours. You can drink water while you are fasting. You can eat whenever you want for your two meals. As much as you want.
Amazing work dude. I lost a bunch or weight the same way a couple of years back, due another round after sitting on my arse for a year and a half
It's the easiest diet I have ever done. I am kind of surprised how easy.
I did for health benefits rather than weight loss but I know it's good for weight management. What are you doing 16/8?
More like 19/5. Skipping breakfast, then a small breakfast for lunch and a big dinner. When I go back to work it will probably be a big breakfast and lunch, then no dinner. I also don't want to lose too much weight, so I might just go back to normal when I am working, then do this when I am off.
I stick with mostly 16/8 and a few longer ones here and there. Done a few 24hrs which were easier than I expected. I find it easier when I am actually at work. My energy levels are great.