Just gave the new Slayer a play through (Spotify posted today). It's not bad. I've never been able to get heavily into them but if you're even mildly a fan of their music or metal in general its definitely worth a listen.
I'm a huge metal fan, but I've never enjoyed Slayer. Especially not their later offerings, this one included. On another note it has been an awesome fucking summer for metal in general, which is kinda rare imo. Some of the heavy hitters have really delivered as well, which is always, well.. exotic. For instance I'm loving the new Amorphis and Symphony X.
Agreed. I enjoy a majority of Slayer's music but I really do not care for the vocals. I think more than anything I appreciate the fact they've been an inspiration for a lot of metal bands that have come along since then.
This summer I have played the new Lamb of God to death and still love it. Also really digging High on Fire and Byzantine's new albums.
Now that I can agree with! The first statement that is, not the mentioned albums haha.
EDIT: if you're in the mood for some awesome thrash, I always recommend Trials. They're fantastic.
Ha! So many styles of Metal. Very easy to have different tastes within the same category of music.
Also agree. Trials is real good.
- - my discovery of the month. Amazing guitar work!
Yesterday I visited a Basement (UK) and Brand New (NY) and it was really nice! Pretty sure some older emo-dudes know Brand New
I recall "Jesus Christ" being hyped a few years ago, yes.
- topic:timeago-later,11 days
just absolutely love this cant play it enough
another one of my faves at the moment is this one
and this completes my trio of fave songs at the moment
Just saw yelawolf live. Great show
New Clutch serves very well …
Thats Awesome man @mikesantor just got me some tix for their show here in November. Superexcited