Had the latest Mutoid Man on repeat, can't wait for a new Converge album too…
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@Peter I've been listening to the album on repeat this past week and have got to say, the transitions between the songs are amazing. I especially love acoustic passages and the Madrigal-Amen Corner-Demon of the Fall transitions, it's epic. The production also reminds me very much of black metal albums I used to listen to quite a lot (Emperor, Darkthrone, Immortal etc.) so that was a nice touch.
I completely agree about looking forward to certain aspects of a song for Opeth.. That's what I love so much about Deliverance!! This is obviously a super subjective opinion, but the way Opeth is able to juggle pure brutality and such elegance through masterful songwriting really makes me consider their music to be 'art'. As as musician myself, I don't throw that term around lightly…
@PattyCakez the flow is indeed amazing. It's remarkable how much impact an acoustic passage or some clean singing can have. And yeah, the fact that the album packs everything that's great about 90s Scandi metal in general certainly doesn't suck either. Love me some Enslaved, Dissection, Emperor etc.
I consume A LOT of metal, and this really hits the spot. One of the best albums this year. Slightly "Opethian", but definitely more 90s extreme/melo black metal.
Oh you're a musician? What do you play?
@Peter Sorry for the delay in response, there's been a bit of traveling on my part..
It's been years since I checked out the metal scene to be honest. Sorceress and Hardwired (which I have yet to check out still) were the only 2 metal albums that I really looked forward to/ knew about in 2016. Definitely will check out In Memoriam, it seems that the response has been extremely positive. I think when I was at my peak of metal consumption (back in 2005/2006) I was listening to alot of Between the Buried and Me, Mastodon, Cryptopsy, Vital Remains, Slayer, Metallica, Immortal and Emperor (just to name a few haha).
I picked up the cello when I was 5 and taught myself guitar at 11; being classically trained I always tell people who shrug metal off as just 'loud and aggressive music' to at least appreciate the rhythms of the melodies. I think that was my thing with Slayer. Even though Kerry King would literally be maniacally playing the guitar on an open string for 3/4 of the song, you could tell that it was really the drummer Dave Lombardo who was placing the team on his back for alot of the tracks… But again haha that's just me.
Best news, one of my favourite albums. Would love to see it live.
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That J Cole is powerful. Thanks for posting.
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Guess I missed it during all the other crap that was sucking up the headlines last year, but I was on a nostalgia kick last night and read that Prince Be of P.M. Dawn died last year. Complications of diabetes at age 46.
Peaceful journey, dude. -
Saturday afternoon with this:
Maaaaan, I wish for nothing more than to see Jane Doe played in it's entirety.
I've had a couple of these songs in my head for at least a week.
RIP Chuck Berry. Anyone who's ever played guitar in a rock band owes this man big time.
@Finkster was just about to post this ^. New album is definitely one of their best (just under Crack the Skye for me). Outside of TOOL, Mastodon has to be the most talented rock band on the planet. Saw them play here in Seattle about a week ago, and it always blows my mind how clean they play live.
I'm seeing them Thursday, can't wait! The new album is great. Eagles of Death Metal are on the bill as well, so it will be a fantastic show.
They put on a great show as did Eagles of Death Metal. If Russian Circles is on the bill at the show you're going to they are also worth seeing.
They are. I'm very familiar with them, their drummer Dave used to play in a band here in St. Louis with a couple friends of mine (Riddle of Steel), he's a great drummer. I've seen them a few times. Definitely looking forward to it.