Got mine in yesterday. 34 was the right call in these. The waist is a touch loose, but a belt will take care of that. Any smaller and the thighs would've been painted on.
Definitely the best IH cut I've found for my build.
Got mine in yesterday. 34 was the right call in these. The waist is a touch loose, but a belt will take care of that. Any smaller and the thighs would've been painted on.
Definitely the best IH cut I've found for my build.
I tried the 634 on a whim after finding 888s weren't really to my liking and fell in love. I picked these up at Self Edge a month ago and have been wearing them daily. Just did my first wash yesterday after they started smelling a bit funky and I'm super happy with how they're softening up and how the seat is fading.
Also so impressive how much give this denim has. These were literally painted on when I first got them and now I can comfortably pinch an inch of fabric along most of the leg.
Got my second pair of these the other day. Sized up to a 34 after the 33s I ordered in February of this year ended up being slightly too small for my liking.
The fit is spot on- reminds me of a 21oz version of Wrangler's 13mwz (and the measurements bear it out to an extent) and they stack so nicely over tall boots. On the one hand I'm not looking forward to wearing these through Texas summers. On the other it should help the fades come through that much faster
Pics for reference - 33 on the left, 34 on the right. The differences are small visually, but very noticable in the mobility department, and that's with <24hr of wear on the 34s compared to 2 weeks on the 33s
@JoshC those 1955s have me so hyped to cop a pair tomorrow. I have a meeting that ends right when they go live, so my co-workers will see me furiously getting on my phone to buy a pair.
As someone with big legs and a small waist, the 1955 really looks to be my goldilocks IH cut. The 888 is uncomfortably slim in the lower thigh while the 634 is doable, but the low rise isn't ideal as I tuck my shirts in regularly.
@thevintagefuture The 888 has a higher rise than other IH offerings (1955 excepted) and more room in the hip and seat. The leg however tapers hard from crotch to knee, making it more of a slim jean for big legs than a proper roomy cut.
Personally, at thighs pushing 25" and a natural waist around 31", I found the 634 to be a more comfortable big leg fit than the 888. The low rise wasn't ideal, but the extra room in the lower thigh made them so much easier to move in than the 888, which felt like they were grabbing my knees every time I climbed a flight of stairs.
The 1955 really combines the best of both cuts.
@thevintagefuture yeah I would describe the 1955 as:
As for top block room, I would say the 888, when worn as intended (eg. not how I wore mine) is a bit roomier than the 1955. One thing that it took me a while to learn is that when there's a bigger difference between front and back rise, it's a sign the jeans should slouch a bit. This is really common with Japanese repro cuts (look at how Full Count describes their 0105 and it's iconic slouched silhouette), and is in line with the "modern taper" that IH was going for with the 888. If you wear them that way (check out TJ at The Shop Vancouver for a perfect 888 fit), there's plenty of room in the seat and upper thigh because all that rise sort of hangs off the top of your hips. If you try to pull them up ala a Cowboy Cut, you'll quickly find that you get really odd vertical creasing in the crotch that isn't there on Wranglers (and the broken twill is much more comfortable when worn tight than IH's 21oz denim haha)
Personally I always tuck my shirts, so slouching is a no go. And if I wear pants that are too tapered, I look like a leg-day skipper, so I dropped the 888 pretty quickly. The 634 is better, and if I wasn't adamant about the tuck thing, I could make it work, but they sit on my body like how low rise jeans in the early 00s used to sit (firmly below my hips and hanging off of my butt). At that spot a snug belt gets really uncomfortable really quick. The plus side though is that if you aren't dead set on shirt tucks, the 634 is a cut that you can get away with upsizing to a significant degree because all you need to do is notch the belt a little bit to keep them hanging from the right spot.
@thevintagefuture yeah I totally get that. Fwiw I've got fit pics of all of them which sort of show what I mean. Not the best since the the OD fabric acts as something of a black hole, but you can sort of get an idea.
1955 are on the left. 634 are on the top right (you can see the belt is basically over my hips), and 888 are on bottom right. If you care to zoom in over the crotch you'll see how they bunch up when worn as a high waisted jean, as well as the relatively tighter fit along the low thigh. If I wasn't someone who religiously tucked my shirt in, the 634 would be totally fine because it can be worn very comfortably hanging off the hips, even at a few sizes up.
@JohnM Just got tried my indigo pair on. They feel about the same as the OD one size up. The waistband is a hair more snug, but I'd imagine that after a week of wear they'll even out.
So with these seemingly flying out of stock is there any chance of revisiting the '1955 as a core part of the IH rotation' conversation?
@JohnM I have a pair of tag 33 indigo on the way from The Shop Vancouver. They should arrive Monday and I can update you then.
I'm of the same mind as you based on the size charts and ordered different sizes in each.
@yannis I would agree, with the caveat that someone who struggles with thigh measurements should still size these based on leg rather than waistband.
They're bigger than the 634 but not so much bigger that they can be treated as a relaxed cut where waistband is all that matters.
And also as pointed out, little to no pressure on a part of the garment = little to no stretch there.
@JohnM Just got tried my indigo pair on. They feel about the same as the OD one size up. The waistband is a hair more snug, but I'd imagine that after a week of wear they'll even out.
@thevintagefuture yeah I would describe the 1955 as:
As for top block room, I would say the 888, when worn as intended (eg. not how I wore mine) is a bit roomier than the 1955. One thing that it took me a while to learn is that when there's a bigger difference between front and back rise, it's a sign the jeans should slouch a bit. This is really common with Japanese repro cuts (look at how Full Count describes their 0105 and it's iconic slouched silhouette), and is in line with the "modern taper" that IH was going for with the 888. If you wear them that way (check out TJ at The Shop Vancouver for a perfect 888 fit), there's plenty of room in the seat and upper thigh because all that rise sort of hangs off the top of your hips. If you try to pull them up ala a Cowboy Cut, you'll quickly find that you get really odd vertical creasing in the crotch that isn't there on Wranglers (and the broken twill is much more comfortable when worn tight than IH's 21oz denim haha)
Personally I always tuck my shirts, so slouching is a no go. And if I wear pants that are too tapered, I look like a leg-day skipper, so I dropped the 888 pretty quickly. The 634 is better, and if I wasn't adamant about the tuck thing, I could make it work, but they sit on my body like how low rise jeans in the early 00s used to sit (firmly below my hips and hanging off of my butt). At that spot a snug belt gets really uncomfortable really quick. The plus side though is that if you aren't dead set on shirt tucks, the 634 is a cut that you can get away with upsizing to a significant degree because all you need to do is notch the belt a little bit to keep them hanging from the right spot.
@thevintagefuture yeah I totally get that. Fwiw I've got fit pics of all of them which sort of show what I mean. Not the best since the the OD fabric acts as something of a black hole, but you can sort of get an idea.
1955 are on the left. 634 are on the top right (you can see the belt is basically over my hips), and 888 are on bottom right. If you care to zoom in over the crotch you'll see how they bunch up when worn as a high waisted jean, as well as the relatively tighter fit along the low thigh. If I wasn't someone who religiously tucked my shirt in, the 634 would be totally fine because it can be worn very comfortably hanging off the hips, even at a few sizes up.
@thevintagefuture The 888 has a higher rise than other IH offerings (1955 excepted) and more room in the hip and seat. The leg however tapers hard from crotch to knee, making it more of a slim jean for big legs than a proper roomy cut.
Personally, at thighs pushing 25" and a natural waist around 31", I found the 634 to be a more comfortable big leg fit than the 888. The low rise wasn't ideal, but the extra room in the lower thigh made them so much easier to move in than the 888, which felt like they were grabbing my knees every time I climbed a flight of stairs.
The 1955 really combines the best of both cuts.
@JohnM I have a pair of tag 33 indigo on the way from The Shop Vancouver. They should arrive Monday and I can update you then.
I'm of the same mind as you based on the size charts and ordered different sizes in each.
Got mine in yesterday. 34 was the right call in these. The waist is a touch loose, but a belt will take care of that. Any smaller and the thighs would've been painted on.
Definitely the best IH cut I've found for my build.
@scarfmace Shop Vancouver still has 34 in stock.
So with these seemingly flying out of stock is there any chance of revisiting the '1955 as a core part of the IH rotation' conversation?
@AdamJ appreciate the insight. My issue is always too much room in the waist and not enough in the leg. The waist on tag 33 would likely stretch to be perfect, but I can guarantee that the leg would be too slim even post stretch (for context I tried the tag 34 serge work pants and they were veeeery slim in the seat and thighs).
The measurements on the tag 34 OD, tag 33 indigo are comparable to my current daily drivers (Sugar Cane 1947 in 33) so I'm just looking for reassurance they won't get radically bigger than their initial size.
All that said, I grabbed the 34 already so yolo I suppose