Funny I just got mine out to take some photos today. Yours looks a little better. Or worse.
Posts made by neversummer
RE: IHG-052-IND - Iron Heart “Bell” Print Bandana - Indigo
RE: IHSH-185 - Indigo Rip Stop Single Yoke Western Shirt
I need to take some better photos of the shirt as a whole. I’ve worn mine enough that the left elbow was running thin- hadn’t worn it in a bit but finally had the time to do a sashiko style patch. This was my first try at the technique and I suppose not entirely ‘correct’ (mostly single stitches vs running stitch). No real planned design to start either, but easy to do something geometric with the fabric essentially having a grid on it.
It ended up looking vaguely mountainy, which certainty works for me. 135 wear days and a number of washes. My favorite shirt!
RE: Ship John
If anyone was able to watch the full livestream on Instagram the other day, did they say what the production is per month? 50? 100? At this point, they could just make one thing and forget about everything else and have no issues selling it!
Good suggestion on Apple Pay from those of you who did that. -
RE: Bread - What are you baking today…..
Haven’t posted in a bit; still baking! Though I guess this technically isn’t baking:
Perfect loaf “leftover” sourdough starter pancakes. Leftover in quotes because the amount needed is more than I had or usually have left over. Still works though! -
RE: Ship John
I’d like a Willis- forgot about it until 6 whole minutes after the books opened, and they were already at February 2023. Good for them.
I’ve been burned by their POS before, where an item is still in stock until paid for, and it’s not taken out of inventory when you add it to your cart (which seems more equitable to me, but maybe not possible with whatever they use). Might try for one of the monthly offerings, or get Sidnaw Company’s more available take on a heavy waxed canvas jacket. -
RE: IHSH-202-WHT - 10oz Selvedge Chambray Western Shirt - White
I think someone said in here to either keep it clean or wear it into the ground; frankly it’s easier to do the latter for me. Sadly, only about 40 wear days in three years, and zero washes as you may have guessed. It’s a little too heavy for summer and a little too light for winter, but great in the shoulder seasons. I still wear it to work on the weekends when the brass isn’t around, actually like wearing it for trail work and that certainly helps dirty it up!
Pimped with turquoise snaps. And now with a ring around the collar!
I’d have thought the darker parts of the combs would be the high points of the fabric as elsewhere, but it looks like the opposite.
Some nice roping. A healthy mix of dirt, indigo bleed, and wax from waxed canvas pants.
Despite this all, I don’t really think it smells. I am definitely a super sweater (will get dried salt on my face and clothing during from her exercise), but I don’t seem to have bad bo. Or maybe I just can’t smell myself! -
RE: Coronavirus (Covid-19) Discussion
I got my second shot of the Moderna vaccine last week and wanted to report back. I definitely had side effects this time.
Got the shot around noon, by 7 that night my arm was swollen and very sore- certainly worse than with the first dose and it only took a few hours to get there this time vs a day or two for the first dose. That night I had chills and a low grade fever. The next day I felt very run down and fatigued, the worst I’ve felt since I had cancer ~16 years ago. Still managed a short hike, but I was absolutely wiped out after. Slept really well that night, and felt significantly better the next day, did a similar length hike and felt a lot more there. The next day I did a medium length trail run and was feeling a lot better.
Most of my coworkers got the Moderna vaccine and had a similar reaction to the second dose, but it sounds like everyone was feeling better after a day or two. I’d rather have that than the reported ongoing side effects of the coronavirus itself. But who knows, maybe I’ll grow a tail in a month or two! -
RE: Coronavirus (Covid-19) Discussion
@BloodnThunder good to know. Something to look forward to!
Arm was pretty sore yesterday, but that seems to be about it. Again, pretty normal for intramuscular injections in my experience. As @ROman said below, the government is paying for the vaccine itself, though you still may be charged for the administration of it depending on who your provider is. With the way the US healthcare system is, that would probably end up being a couple of hundred dollars. I’d like to say that’s a joking exaggeration…
I am very sorry to those of you who have lost loved ones, or had covid yourself. It seems like six degrees of separation here, in that a few months ago it was your sisters friends grandmoms friends son who had it, and now I’d guess most of us know someone directly effected. I am even more sorry because I feel it didn’t have to be like this.
I didn’t note in my original post, but they did ask about allergies, and not just to medications. We had to sit for 15 minutes after as well. I would hope that by the time someone were old enough to get the Covid vaccine (16 or 18 depending on which one), they would have been exposed to enough potential allergens to have some idea of how they would react. Ironically I had several allergies pre cancer that weren’t there post treatment. That was odd.
Part of my misgiving was that it does seem quick to have a vaccine out. I initially thought it could be as long as several years. The speed is a testament to technology and that study into vaccines against coronaviruses (SARS and MERS) has been underway since the early 2000’s. So while it does seem quick, there had already been a lot of work done on vaccines for very similar viruses. I can certainly see and understand people being wary about how quickly the vaccines have come around.
In the US, I’d certainly say that politics and ones political beliefs impact the likelihood of vaccination. If you don’t believe the coronavirus is real, then there’s nothing to get vaccinated against, right? The president has done nothing to help, constantly undercutting advice from his own experts whether by words or by behavior (not wearing a mask for instance). And as we saw on Wednesday, they are definitely listening.
Anyway, just some thoughts. I appreciate the discussion. Since I am fortunate enough to get vaccinated so early, I am trying to talk about my experience with people so they can make a decision for themselves when the times comes. -
RE: Coronavirus (Covid-19) Discussion
I am in the US and got my first dose of the Moderna vaccine yesterday. I can practically feel the power of millions of mini Bill Gateses running though my body, plus I’ve suddenly become an expert at Excel. In seriousness though….
I am a first responder, which is why I am able to get it so early. Otherwise, I think it would be a long time before someone in my age range who is otherwise healthy would be able to get it.
The shot itself is to the upper arm. It’s pretty sore today, but that’s normal for intramuscular injections (trust me on that). I would have preferred Pfizer to Moderna because of a slightly higher efficacy and smaller dose, but I’ll take what I can get.
In this country, the virus is running rampant, and it seems like the eventuality is that you’ll either get it or get vaccinated. I chose the latter. I did have a few misgivings at first, but reading about it as well as talking to some scientifically minded friends convinced me that this was the right way to go.
One of my biggest concerns is the possibility of long term effects or side effects, but I think that is true both of the virus and the vaccine. The virus seems as though it could potentially be more damaging in the long run, but we just don’t know since it’s only been in humans for about a year.
Science saved me one before. I am a cancer survivor. The drugs I got then which ultimately cured me also came with the possibility of long term side effects. For instance, my chances of getting leukemia are higher than that of the average person. But I wasn’t going to not get chemo to avoid that chance down the road.
The vaccine itself is clear or colorless. I don’t know if that was by design or just how it happened to be. I think the general public is under the impression that all drugs are clear or white, and only have color added for perception or branding (which is to say here at least ibuprofen is generally brown, otc liquid cold medications are dyed, etc.), but that is not the case. One of the drugs I got during chemo was cherry Koolaid red. I’d read about this beforehand, but it was still a little disconcerting to see .5L of red go directly into my veins via an IV. I also saw others in the infusion center get drugs that were electric blue or ink black. I think public perception will be better knowing this one is clear. It might be harder to convince people it’s safe if it were brown or green or something.
I hope you will consider getting vaccinated when it becomes available to you, wherever you are. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask. -
RE: Runners
@cander49 an impressive effort to watch- thanks for doing the zoom thing, it provided some entertainment at work. As you might be to odd person for liking treadmills, I am the odd person who likes to virtually spectate. I’ve watched Moab 240 the past few years, as well as a few other ultras. And all it is it watching someone’s tracker very slowly move around a map!
I’ve come to appreciate the treadmill in the past year, but don’t think I could do 50 on it…. maybe some elevation gain based goal, like 10k vert. -
RE: IHSH-262-NAV - Ultra Heavy Flannel Crazy Check Western Shirt - Navy
First UHF day of the fall. 100 degrees and record high on Saturday and supposed to snow up to a foot today! -
RE: Repairs & Modifications
Has anyone ever tried to chainstitch a hem by hand? What did the results look like?
Got some Filson Double Tin bibs which come unhemmed, thought that might be interesting to try. With the material being waxed, I’m not sure if someone would be willing to do it commercially. Guess I’m thinking the wax could somehow gunk up someone’s machine… at least I’m not willing to take the risk with my wife’s sewing machine!Though that would be just a plain stitch hem.
RE: IHJ-91-BUR - Lightweight Quilted Parka Jacket - Burgundy
Thank you, I appreciate it!
RE: IHJ-91-BUR - Lightweight Quilted Parka Jacket - Burgundy
Thanks @Giles . Guess it’ll be until they arrive? If you don’t mind, what does the large weigh? I can compare to claimed weights from others. Though those aren’t always accurate.
RE: IHJ-91-BUR - Lightweight Quilted Parka Jacket - Burgundy
This is perhaps an odd question, but this is something I would wear for winter hiking/mountaineering. I am wondering if it would be possible to get a weight in grams of a size small in either color (imagine they’ll be pretty close to each other). Just curious how this might stack up to gear I have, though it does fill in a spot I don’t have yet.
RE: Anyone here play video games?
@Filthy not related, but glad to see you back.
RE: IHSH-262-NAV - Ultra Heavy Flannel Crazy Check Western Shirt - Navy
Went crazy the previous two years(207&237), had to keep it going…
Retailers like self edge will have a stock . Any issue buying from self edge ? Self edge guys are really good and helpful.
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IH still had my size, but yes for those of you who were not able to buy direct from IH, check with self edge. I’ve also purchased from The Shop Vancouver and would highly recommend them as well. That’s where I got the 237 from last year after I missed out on the initial release.
RE: IHSH-262-NAV - Ultra Heavy Flannel Crazy Check Western Shirt - Navy
Went crazy the previous two years(207&237), had to keep it going…