@Pwnm30rdi3 Will take them to Self Edge in NYC.
I've heard they do great work! Post pictures of the repair when you get them back!
Love seeing repaired denim!
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@Pwnm30rdi3 Will take them to Self Edge in NYC.
I've heard they do great work! Post pictures of the repair when you get them back!
Love seeing repaired denim!
Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
Hey @nizzel55 They have been washed. One time. Will be getting then repaired. BTW thanks.
Who are you going to have do your repairs?
I just sent a pair into Indigo Proof, can't wait to get them back!
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First day of 2017.
408 days of wear. 7 machine washes & 2 soaks.
I'm loving how crispy those combs are getting!
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I fly TSA Precheck often so rarely encounter this problem anymore.
The new scanning machines, Millimeter Wave Scanners, often show false positives. These false readings normally happen around creases, folds, and thick overlaps. My 25oz IH denim almost always sets off these machines, specifically in the waist.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk