Slowly but surely, worn for 3 months i think, here and there when weather is not too cold. Just love that fabric, way more than denim, i would love to see more dyed duck items in future collections.
Slowly but surely, worn for 3 months i think, here and there when weather is not too cold. Just love that fabric, way more than denim, i would love to see more dyed duck items in future collections.
Have you ever noticed that kind of red flare from rivets patina on denim before ? thats pretty sick !!! Does it comes from the oxidation process ?
Thx guys !!!
@Mizmazzle Ahah i feel you, i was soooo scared to badly injure my jackets trying to cut sleeves correctly with a knife.
People always think Scarlett is a GSD or a Tervueren, actually it's a trap, she is a Malinois, but her grand grand father was a White Swiss Shepherd, that's why she has longer hair ^^
@krebsy Thanks ^^
@mclaincausey Filthy always comes to my mind when i see a bib.
Into the wild.
On the other hand, i think my 1st IH jacket ever was the 526L around 2020, took a M thinking it would be good, and it was good at first, but L is my size i learned it that day, after few rain soaks, a bit of shrinkage here and there and once the creases were well set sleeves were beyond too short, so once again few days ago i have cut those sleeves to make it a vest ^^ Also happy with the result, but what to do with both sleeves made of a thick and rigid 526L denim ??? Ok Let's try to make.... A denim collar for dog ^^
I had that idea since a decent amount of time now, using both wrists parts from denim sleeves as a base layer to make a collar and use the scraps to strengthen and secure everything, i have a very small experience in sewing, just a bit of sashiko repair actually, no machine, just repairing stuff by hand, so it was just a bet, but the result is pretty convincing IMO.
Here is the "process" in picture ^^
Both sleeves removed, and two wrists cut later.
At that point the 1st button was secured with bar tacks as it will never be opened again, that would be dramatic during a dog walk.
Let's start with the second button now that will become the one i use to open and close the collar everyday.
I have opened widely the button hole to adujst the length of the collar and match my dog's neck size, and then rebuild stitches around the button hole.
Then i have sewn velcro strips to avoid the collar to turn around the button, and on top of that a strap i got from an old back pack.
Last touch and not the least !!!
The IH PATCH for a cleaner look !!!
I would like the 1st locked button to be hidden cause two buttons on a collar would not be cute.
Denim is barely faded.
Now everything is finished and well secured i hope.
Best part of this post... Let me introduce you Scarlet !!! Modelling that unofficial denim dog collar from IH.
Scarlet taking selfies to share everything with her dog friends
Hope you enjoyed it, the idea is pretty simple but it was more difficult than it looks, and very time consuming.
I can't even imagine how difficult it is to built a jacket from scratch... A huge thought and thanks to the IH workers in japan working behind the scene to provide us amazing gears !!!
A quick update on my jacket with removed lining, as i have last year bought the type 3 teacore version jacket from IH plus another one from another brand that one was not used at all and 3 teacore jackets is a bit too much ahah, so i have cut as much materials as possible inside the jacket, extra leather and pockets for a cleaner look and removed the sleeves to transform it into a vest, really happy with the result.
@CosmoSix5 SDA is to work shirt what IH is to western, i'm digging both brands every seasons ^^
@Oaktavia Same here, my wabash western shirt had a weird line caused by a fold in the length of arms around the honeycombs area, didn't take a lot of attention to it, now it has faded like that :C
One more ^^ Got the green, orange and pink from this season
I was wondering as this season the colorful flannels were only western shirts and the more classic and simple pattern were work shirts, is it going to be a new way to go every seasons ? or you might switch to colorful work shirts in the future ?
@Mister_Brue I think smaller sizes are still available, my sheets are light blue and didn't notice any dye transfer from my side
Small contribution to the fading potential of that shirt, worn a bit during summer with a backpack, showing signs of wear in the bottom of the back outside the flannel AND inside
Then worn as a pajama since the temperatures have cooled down.
It’s just so cozy to sleep with and not that warm, i never woke up in the middle of the night covered in sweat actually
Fun fact... Have you guys noticed if you look carefully during the presentation video for this shirt that pink lines stuck to the yellow ones looks like a red from afar, pink lines alone looks pink, pink lines melted with the yellow ones looks red... Love that kind of optical illusion. It reminds me that coca cola optical stuff, you zoom out or watch few meters away from your screen and the can looks red, you zoom in or come close and it's just black, blue and white... Or maybe it's just me ^^
It just looks red to me ^^
Ok, i will keep it away from my dirty mind ^^ Thx guys
I've received my XL jacket today from Aitora shop and it's just perfect !!! Do you guys know how the sherpa lining and the quilted sleeves would react if i want to hot wash the jacket to remove all the shrinkage ??? Is it going to shrink more inside than outside and kill the jacket ? Is it going to damage or weaken the linings ?
@AdamJ No worries, i will give it a try and return it if something is wrong, thx ^^
@AdamJ Hi Adam, is there any chance you still have the size chart for that one ? Retailers with my size seems to have taken their own measurements and i'm pretty unsure about what they took
That color is so rich
I need one !!! But a western version would just kill me in this fabric
Just noticed the title of this topic and the first post says « overdyed indigo », just saying 🥶
@Denman-John I guess september / october will see the first drops from this new season, Alex said it was way too early to be accurate scheduling things
That was the only color i didn't really had has a UHF, had one orange from Ues but a bit too big for me, aiming 3 UHF's to buy for this winter, time to save bucks ^^