Black ballcaps with this logo:
Posts made by Rococo
RE: Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
RE: Space stuff
@Giles "One of our more resource intensive performance vectors..." Quote from the Simpsons parody of the military, wish I knew which episode...
@denim-dawg Looks awesome, cheers!
@denim-dawg Great jacket. What's the bag?
RE: Watches - another OCD problem
@Giles Undoubtedly a beauty but a dress watch, curious as to how you harmonize that with IH's aesthetic. Is it a 24/7 piece or special occasion only? Or...?
RE: Viberg
@GardenState just FYI the 2040 has the lowest instep in the range, I don't see it mentioned enough.
RE: Any thoughts to what's coming for S/S 25?
@jaysomethin Is the reveal on Jan. 1?
RE: Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
Burgundy wabash or N1... or just about anything. A deep burgundy is a way underrated neutral. Has to be the right shade though, when burgundy washes out it becomes brick red and that sucks...
RE: Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
@Giles Ah, I was wondering what happened there... if two brands ever seemed made for each other it's yours but I guess shit happens...
RE: Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
More colored denim, I'm guessing the white probably didn't sell gangbusters but warmer earth tones might... beige (for those of us who prefer a rugged alternative to chinos) & brown, plus a lighter grey. Or ecru. And more ballcaps please...
And more rugged Viberg collabs... 310 last in waxed suede or CXL roughout.
@sabergirl that makes sense, thanks!
@chelliah love that CPO. Is that the same material as 737-TSC?
RE: Porter - Yoshida & Co. - Force Shoulder Bag
Looking for a shoulder bag to fit my 13" laptop. Is this going to work?
RE: Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
@Giles I think both would be sick... and don't forget, there's more than 1 way to write books, you could talk into a tape recorder for instance and have a ghostwriter (or co-writer) compile it all for you; I'd happily do it myself if I was qualified (never written a book before although I've dreamed of it).
RE: Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
@Giles have you thought about doing a book on the history of IH and how it developed/evolved (and with your management insights)? No small task I know but could be sick in coffee table format.
RE: Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
@goosehd the clarity of their vision is what makes them so unique, no question about it... and since a vision is abstract (in the head) it's also why I think people often say about IH "I can't quite put my finger on it but I love IH"; it's a silent language so to speak...
RE: Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
@goosehd dang... 04 in particular is beautiful... also notable that the price in 11 seasons has only inflated 33% in that time (or 3% a year), really quite reasonable imho.
RE: Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
@Choko sorry, by come around again do you mean they've already done a navy n1 at some point?
RE: Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
@jevans41 Navy N1 would also be sick...
RE: IHM-35-BRN - Whipcord N1 Deck Jacket - Brown
This is the most glorious jacket I have ever seen...