My IH rotation has gotten pretty deep—time to actually fade something. My first time competing.
My IH rotation has gotten pretty deep—time to actually fade something. My first time competing.
Got the last xxl mwahaha!!!
I’m a dnd fanatic It will be my new dice bag.
Mine was fading to white in some high friction areas this fall. Now that I’ve started wearing my lefty trucker jacket the shirt is absorbing indigo!
ok FOMO got me--I totally caved and ordered this bad boy from Self Edge, should arrive Monday! I've scoured this thread and I think I know what I'm getting into. @Oaktavia, @Kasi , and @Jcaz6996 I've seen many of your posts, value your opinions, and find your fade pics inspirational. This jacket is going to be my Everest I think and I look forward to the challenge: ) If the sizing is what I think, I should be able to wear it essentially like a shirt but then still layer it with some of my more tight-fitted hoodies. I'm committed to giving it the wear it deserves.
@long_john86 lean in and rock the Wabash shirt as well, then go back to just the pants--the wife will be so happy you're not in the wabash tux won't mind the pants anymore lol
OK, I have to gush for a minute on this fannel, my very first UHF that I received a few days ago. I discovered Iron Heart in 2020 and upgraded all my jeans, vests, and denim shirts from the usual offenders (Levis...etc) as I slipped down the denim head rabbit hole. I adore fannels and have had a brand that I liked for years: a 75USD price point, cool patterns, tall fit with longer sleeves, polyester blend, and in fact, a nice brand ethos--but there's only so much you can do at that price point.
I always admired UHFs from afar, read every thread on the forum, and thought often: they can't really be that good...right? There's no way...
Thanks in many ways to the forum I've learned a great deal about garment construction since 2020 and it was very interesting to nerd-out and closely compare the construction of my old go-to flannel shirts to this UHF. Talk about two ends of the quality spectrum! The brushed cotton, the solid heavy-weight construction, the stitching, and so on are so top tier I completely understand the reputation these UHFs get now.
I went from 'they really can't be that good' to 'why the fuck didn't I get one sooner' so fast it broke the sound barrier.
Looking forward to many wears in this comfy bad boy. Guess it's time to gift, donate, and sell some of my old flannels : )
Here's my first photo on the new forum! I love this CPO. I wore it for the birth of my son last year when it was new. It will always be a special piece for me!
@Kasi Yeah, there has been a couple of Giles' fades that have pushed me over the edge to purchase, for example, the 18 oz vintage he wore to perfection. @AdamC my hats off to you for going up against him!!
Finally got mine last week and I've been wearing it as much as possible (I'll get some images ASAP). I love the 25oz denim so I was thinking it can't be that robust, right? I 'get it' now. It's a beast of a garment, a for-life piece if ever there was one. Did a hot soak and followed the advice some of you gave me. I think this jacket demands commitment but something about the quality of it, you can tell if you stay the course the rewards will be great and that's evident by some of the images above.
I'm an XL is all IH denim western shirts and usually ask the boys for one of the smaller P2P measurements on an XXL UHF. I went XXL for this jacket and found it hit the sweet spot to wear just with a shirt or layer with a hoodie. I'm a taller guy and love the length of the sleeves on it.
Knarly is the exact correct term for this shirt!
I was debating a disk as well but am just going to wear it and see what happens.
Here’s my Lefty. Weather has been warm but it’s such an epic jacket. Im 6’3 190 and this 2XL fits me just how I like ( usually I’ll layer but too warm now).
Been wearing it more like a shirt around the house and finally got the buttons done up today so I took a few snaps.
Love the fades on yours @Kasi
Describe the first motorcycle you ever owned? Do you still have it?
If a foreigner wanted to do a bike tour of Japan, what is a route you would recommend?
In your opinion, how has the growing popularity of fast-fashion in the last 10 years changed the landscape of apparel production in Japan, if at all? Do you think, in the face of this, that Iron Heart is a more important brand now than if has ever been?
At what point in your relationship together did you truly know that partnering with Giles was the right move?
What's your favorite beer when visiting the boys at Iron Heart UK?
I think it's nice to recognize the effort and contributions of other members for sure. I was on another forum long ago that used a 'reputation' system although it wasn't called that. I found it did tend to create a subtle "I'm better than you" element to the forum. Things got much more competitive and hierarchical than community-based (human nature I suppose) with groups of friends up-voting the shit out of their own posts and ignoring others. I have found this forum to be generally very welcoming and nonjudgmental so just sharing my past experiences as I'd hate to see that happen again.
I love the badges (going from unwoven up a tier was nice) The badges and post counts are an incentive for even seasoned users to engage with brand-new ones. The badge tiers are also spaced apart very well. Kudos to whoever came up with those numbers (gonna assume Giles!)
Indeed, Adam's tone seems tongue-in-cheek here on the special access notion, but in seriousness, I don't think it would be enjoyable to log in and see all the "high status" guys reputation pointing themselves to the max with their secret denim pics while I'm looking at my reputation and feeling like a bum.
Love the jacket--just got the 19oz lefty this tread is making me want this chore coat as well. Mental health is often an overlooked issue and is treated as less than serious by society. We would tell a diabetic to "get over it" but often those that suffer from mental issues are told such nonsense. I appreciate your story very much @neph93 . Respect brother.
got my confirmation email today!! I'm 6'3 200 and going with L-tall for layering
@SaddleSC A comparison would be cool to read. The N1 is one of my grail pieces for sure so the RJ2 has def been on my radar. I just picked up an 11oz western flannel from freenote--interested to see how it stacks up to my UHF's
I think this might have been mentioned earlier in this thread but I'll repeat if so: How about a black UHR denim!?
@denim-dawg you have a real talent. Super enjoyable content : )