Yesterday's rides.
Best posts made by Shelby999
RE: IH-526V-XHS - 25oz Selvedge Denim Type III Vest - Indigo
And thank you very much to fellow Canuck @goosehd for his excellent advice in recommending @tody. I have been angling for this vest for some time, and could not have attained it without either of them. Merry Christmas and best wishes to all in this IH clan! It's a tightly knit community which I am learning to appreciate mightily. I can see that this forum is more than just a marketing tool. Merci beaucoup!
RE: Villains (Buying/ Selling/Trading)
Listening to J.J. Cale right now, Hajduk. Anyone who promotes J.J. has got to be a good guy. Merci beaucoup! Kevin
@goosehd To you as well! May your jeans be stretchy.
RE: Heroes (Buying/ Selling/Trading)
I'm very pleased to have interacted with you too, @popvulture. Thank you! Great clothing and excellent condition.
Splendid abode there, Goose! Threads not bad either
RE: Motorcycles
Yes, leading you to notice those gold bits behind my 999.
Either way, you cannot lose.
Rock on with your bad self! -
RE: Random conversations
Pointed Musing
It occurs to me that the inimitable Shinichi Haraki (and his Japanese team - somewhat like the tinkering and racing success of the late American Carroll Shelby) have created (with the considerable marketing foresight of Englishman Giles Padmore and his team) this outlet for a global consortium of high-minded people who represent and promote the distilled best of what human culture has created. Although I fear for the future of humanity (there are too fucking many of us), this forum is a safe place to interact and enjoy people who strive for their best. Some might think Duh!, but I want to state the obvious, and sincerely thank the afore-mentioned people and their organizations for helping to sustain what remains of my faith in mankind (old enough to know what was). I recently witnessed the 101-year-old Canadian John Neu receiving the French Legion Of Honour, "There are some countries in the world who are going through the same hiccup that Europe went through before the second world war. I can see the signs." It was extremely emotional for me to hear this man relate his experience of attending Bergen-Belsen shortly before victory in 1945 and helping the Allies bury thousands in mass graves. This survivor crossed the ocean at 19 years to fight for the freedom that I enjoy in Canada today. What he lived through makes me feel inadequate. I wonder how willingly today's 19 year olds (or any of us) would take up that mantle and put their lives on the line to survive against the odds. High-minded, indeed.
RE: Villains (Buying/ Selling/Trading)
Okay, thanks for your input. Yes, CP has no anticipation of the shipment, but says they will be the carrier. I don't know if it has left Norway. All of these things have been dealt with by the seller, in my experience: I have previously been informed by a shipper that it was the seller's responsibility.
However, in this case, I will "launch an enquiry" at a CP office.
Thanks @goosehd and @pechelman. -
RE: Villains (Buying/ Selling/Trading)
It took 4 months, but the vest has arrived: Hajduk has redeemed himself. All is (finally) well.