These are looking really great.

tobacco and leather
@tobacco and leather
Latest posts made by tobacco and leather
RE: Iron Heart IH-634S - World Tour 2010 - 2013
RE: Who Skates?
Anyone who skates and hasn't seen the John Cardiel edition of Epically Later'd, I strongly suggest you look into it.
RE: *Hardcore*
i dont know who that is, but anyone with a giant endpoint tattoo is probably someone i dont need to hang with.
Be happy you don't know who it is.
@stever:slaying some extortion and some trash talk at the gym this evening. feels great
Hope it was plagues or the self titled, because their most recent album was a total shitfest.
RE: Books
I'm a big fan of philosophy and how it applies to society.. I just picked up "First as Tragedy Then as Farce" should be a really excellent read.
RE: *Hardcore*
Noticed the Endpoint flier immediately and made me think of this:
RE: *Hardcore*
Crow is a perfect example of a band that was great in the 80'ies, great in the 90'ies, and is even better now…
7" is ordered btw... Was looking at the new comp. but decided against it...
crow definitely rules. gonna need that 7 inch too. other current bands that i really dig….Nails, Burning Love, Ceremony.
Nails are great, dig 'em a lot. I used to really like Ceremony as well, when I heard all of their earlier shit it was pretty excellent. I picked up their most recent release when it came out and it literally made me want to bash my own brains in.
Nameness you should check out Cold Sweat, Veins, Divorce Money and OSS.
RE: *Hardcore*
What's one general song from the hard core genre that is widely accepted as good?
I'm interested
That's pretty difficult to nail down since there are so many varying styles in the scene.. I'll post a few youtube video links though:
RE: *Hardcore*
I was talking to Tom, but VLV is, well… Imagine a more dramatic but less testosteron fueled B9-board...
With less n00dz.
I like that band a good deal.
I also have an extremely hard time figuring out what genre something is besides rap, rock, and pop. Everything blends…
Not to sound like the genre police or anything, but AILD is more "metalcore" than anything else, fresh out of hot topic and the like.. Definitely not hardcore.
RE: *Hardcore*
Its getting pretty VLV in here.
Also Youth Attack puts out a lot of good shit, but… The fact that McCoy can put whatever price he wants on anything and the legion of newage hipster hardcore kids will pay whatever he wants for a 1 of 5 trashbag t-shirt is kind of silly, and not very true to the DIY hardcore ethic.