What is your Denim/ Clothing Life Story?
my first pair of dry denim was a pair of carhart jeans that were made made like traditional duck logger pants & this was back in the 90s. I wore the jeans every day until they got soft & since they were relatively cheap, once they began to wear in I gave them away. I traveled in a lot of different circles at the time & folks uptown weren't wearing what folks in brooklyn or queens were wearing, but no matter where I went people always respected the jeans. Many moons passed & I sort of moved away from carhart jeans because they weren't readily available -i swear i would go into a store & buy out my entire size for the year-.
To jump ahead many moons, I first discovered raw PRPS & fell in love with the color & the way the jeans felt. IMHO the jeans had cool hidden details & a really nice back story. I also liked them because in my crazy mind they took me back to a simpler time in my life. Since these jeans were much more expensive than the carhart jeans of my youth I wouldn't give them away when they began to wear-in & would just admire certain things about them. Again when they broke in I would pretty much just stop wearing them
I stumbled across SelfEdge while looking for a retailor of PRPS & when I saw the jeans I literally bought almost one of each pair that I could fit. When I received the various brands of denim I was impressed by all, but one brand stood head & shoulders above the rest. . . & so here we are today. I am a self confessed IronHeart junkie & there is no turning back.
My first memory of any branded jeans I owned was a pair of Lee's. Must have been the mid seventies from a shop on Stoke Road in Gosport ! Fuckin' great flares but I loved them.
Jump foward a few years and it was Levis from my Mum's catalogue, probably Grattens.
From them on it was always Levis, jeans, jackets, everything. I remember a Levis jacket I had new in about 1980, probably selvedge, my mate 'borrowed it'. I never saw it again.
I then got caught up in the MOD revival here in the UK and then it really HAD to be Levis, MOD's wore Levis.
Then in the mid Eighties Levis really started to push the 501 again (and stonewash) and to my shame I was pulled along with it, but I knew no better.
I once even bought a pair of Lois, really, really light blue if I remember rightly.
Levis was all I really wore for about 15 years with a brief Diesel interlude.
Jump foward a bit a while and whilst considering a new leather jacket I discovered the Aero website and whilst I never bought a jacket (at the time) I 'discovered' Selvedge Denim. I was of course seduced by Levis Selvedge and as a bonus it was all made in the USA, everything in the shops was made in Hungary or some other place which never rang quite right.
My first pair was a pair of 1947 Shrink to Fit which I even sat in the bath with and then proceeded to walk around my village in, soaking wet pushing my son in his pram and with great big baggy knees !
I then tried some Lee 101, which was a big step for me. Still got them somewhere.
Now this is going to sound like heresy on this forum but I never really liked the Selvedge 'twist' :o :o :o.
To this end I started to 'surf' and happened upon the'Iron Heart' website and was immediatley hooked.
I remember calling Giles for the first time and explaning my irrational dislike of the 'twist' and he explaind the sanforizing process and how it reduces twist.
That was it, off down to Gosport and my first purchase, of Non Selvedge 461, go figure.
I have since, I believe, become a royal pain in the arse to Giles as I can't help turning up on his door to try before I buy, I only live a hour away.
Then the forum happened
I think like most people on this forum Iron Heart has now become a bit of a religion and the forum my extended family. I am always astonished by the knowledge people have about denim and what a rank amateur I am about the subject. At least people are never openly critical of my ignorance.
My journey continues !!! -
Thanks G, I feel better now.
I've been wanting to get that off my chest for years. -
We all have skeletons.
If only we had some photo's. -
I'll ask my mum to bring some pics of me as a 12 year old wih green hair and chlorix-bleached jeans rags, the next time she visits me.
I grew up in Virginia and there was an abundance of really good thrift stores around. I could never afford to buy new clothes so I bought just about everything I owned second hand. In the early 90's you could still find really great vintage clothes in thrift stores and unbeknownst to me at the time I had bought quite a few pairs of Big E Levi's (this is also when i learned to love Pendleton). It wasn't until years later when I got a job and made a little extra cash that I could buy some brand new jeans, up until then I had been used to paying a dollar for a pair of jeans from a thrift store. 501's were my favorite so I went to the mall and bought a pair of STF 501's and took them home. I was confused because they were totally different than my favorite 501's from the thrift store. No hidden rivets was the first thing i noticed. Anyways….this is how I slowly started figuring out good from bad (although i guess thats in the eye of the beholder).
When I moved to Massachusetts in my early 20's I had a friend who worked at the amazing vintage store Bobby from Boston and he totally schooled me on Levi's and Lee jeans (more like gave me some basic knowledge, i will never know as much about the subject as he does). I started buying LVC 47's in the early 2000's and swore by them. To make a long story short.....as LVC quality started to fall I began searching for other good reproductions of vintage jeans. I tried just about everything out there and came to the conclusion that most of it sucks (i think Giles's conclusion about the 5 best japanese denim brands and IH being the best spot on). I found out about Self Edge from some other denim snobs ( I had no idea there were other people who thought about this stuff hahaha). It took me a couple years of being aware of IH before I could make myself spend the money, but I'm truly glad that I did. I'll never go back. I love IH because there is an obvious respect and understanding for the history of denim with a timeless look but everything is much more utilitarian than their peers.
I loved blue jeans from the first time I saw this picture:
Then I worn Levi's for almost 30 years, and a few Diesel from time to time. 4 years ago I discovered Japanese Jeans: Edwin, Evisu, Prps, Dior MIJ. All expensive stuff, pre-faded and deranged. My philosophy was: i like to collect a lot of pairs of jeans, and it's impossible in my lifetime to wear 30, 40 pairs from raw state to evolved state, so better buying them pre-faded!
But deep inside I knew there was a world of magnificent "real" stuff", outside over the Internet, but I kept my eyes closed, because I was - in a very strange way, lazy.
Then, one day, I asked Google for the best jeans in the world…
made a few experiments, and here I am. -
All this talk about how some of us arrived here at this forum has raised another question with me.
What is your clothing evolution story?
In other words, how did you get to wearing Iron Heart in the first place? I'll give you mine as an example….
- Trip to Tokyo
- Found Bathing Ape in Harajuku
- Bought Shark Hoody (thought it was amusing)
- Got home and did some web research on the brand.
- Discovered Superfuture, Hypebeast, Bapetalk and other forums.
- Through reading forums moved onto Supreme, Wtaps, Visvim etc..
- Saw some cool fits of Japanese street clothing mixed with guys wearing over sized Samurai 710's.
- Became addicted to reading Superdenim
- Purchased Samurai 710's and began contributing on Superdenim
- Became obsessed with heavy denim, and the whole denim scene (boots, shirts, jackets etc...).
- Started the Heavyweight contest.
- Met so many cool people through Superfuture
- Purchased IHSH-07 from Supermarket.
- Asked Beats about the IH party in September.
- Purchased BB Raws, and IHSH-33.
- Went to party, and had such an awesome time with some amazing people.
- Wrote this long ass boring post.
The whole journey took almost 6 years, from being a guy who bought Levis, Nikes and H&M, to where I am today.
- Wore proper Levi 501's in my teens
- Continued to buy them through my 20's and 30's, but did not really know or understand why they were getting shittier and shittier
- Despite that, I kept every pair I owned, thinking that some day would be good to give to someone
- Started wearing Gap selvedge as they were better than Levis in 90's
- Decided 7 years ago to sell a pair of Levis from my horde
- Researched the denim scene and realised there was a large subculture around Japanese denim that I knew nothing about
- More research
- More research
- Found out that some of the really good Japanese jeans brands were not represented outside of Japan
- Emailed Haraki. Haraki, he say yes
- Got banned from SuFu
- Stared the IH Forum (thanks for the idea Hectic)
- Loving what I do and wear
- Wore the baggiest jeans I could find in my teens because I thought I had large thighs: Levi's, not the raw ones & JNCO
- Mother bought me a pair of Lucky brand when I was 18 (2002), thought they were IT, threw out my old Levi's
- Mother bought me a pair of first batch Diesel 772 in 2003, these were definitely IT, gave the Lucky's to my bro
- Wore the 772 until 2007 when my roommate bought a pair of Nudie Bootcut Ola's that were too small (29"W)
- Wore those everyday for 13 months until the crotch ripped…washed...had fixed...put them back on...I was hooked
- Wore until 2009 when I bought a pair of Nudie Bootcut Barry on sale on gilt. thought raw denim was the best ever!
- Wore those until 2010 when the crotch ripped, bought a pair of Naked & Famous black selvedge on sale at barneys
- Wore those until March '11 when I became addicted and bought a pair of N&F broken-twill while still wearing the blacks
- Crotch seam blew on both pairs in July 2011, found Self-Edge online, found Iron Heart, wanted heavier, stronger denim
- Found a sample pair of 634SR on ebay, soaked twice in hot water per Haraki's instructions, put on while damp, ahhhh!
- Bought another pair of 634SR from Self-Edge online, bought the IHSH-04 from jacoavlu, there is no going back.
- being influenced by grunge and punkrock in the early nineties
- wore crappy jeans that I overdyed with bleach
- bacame a Metalhead for some years and wore black leather pants
- rediscovered punk and hardcore in my early 20ies, so wore denim again (destroyed Diesels and stuff like that)
- read by accident about nudie jeans and how you can wear in your own pair of dries
- bought first prewash nudie, as I didn't know what dry denim looked like
- realized I got the wrong pair
- first dry nudie
- first selvage nudie
- resaerch brought me to mynudies.com
- found out about japanese denim
- first japanese denim
- first LVC
- saw beatle's pair (SEXI07) and fell in love with overdyed denim
- first IH, after I found that forum and listened to beatle's sizing advice
So, it's beatle's fault that I spend a good amount of my money round here.
I've already written short version here
http://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=234.msg5084#msg5084 (should the threads be merged)Back in the years of Sword and Shield I wore Levi's, Beavers, (a domestic brand) mostly Levi though, from late 80's till millenium and a bit beyond I had Levi's, Crockers when they were made of quite nice denim, Their bootcut model was pretty much similar cut to 461, and some Diesel Fankers, also back at the day when Diesel used heavier denim. And no pre-washes/fades for me, ever.
Since I wrote that I've acquired couple of more IH bottoms, Lee's (selvage and non, 1966 straight cuts) GAP's 1969 straights, yeah, go figure, but they were 25$ shipped. And Dickies workchinos…
Shirtwise I'm sticking to my cheap SS workshirts, El Cheapo Flannels, Lounge shirts etc.
Jackets, Leather is my Choice or then Carrhart Duck or something similar. Rugged...and cheap if possible, not in leathers though.Shoes I have always tried to buy so that they'll last 5-10 years or more, and are timeless models.
RW's are hyped too much so I seek alternative brands. Let's see what you folks say when you see what I have incoming...That's it
I used to wear skinny levi's.. Then I found a pair of Levi's matchstick skinny jeans made with Kaihara selvage, and bought them.. I started doing research on selvage jeans and found superfuture.. My eyes were opened to the world of raw selvage denim and I fell in love. Started reading superdenim religiously and decided to buy a "real" pair of Japanese denim, The Flat Head F310. I wore them a couple months and then heard about the IH Devil's fit. I found the IH forum and joined. I received sizing advice from beatle and pulled the trigger.. And of course I fell in love with Iron Heart and the camaraderie of the forum. Bought my first IH shirt, the 33, and decided that clothing couldn't possibly be more well constructed than this…
End of story..