Wishing you a peaceful journey, Overweight Lover. You will be missed.
Good morning
At work, enjoying classic, norwegian rock:
I am in a Jimmy Cliff phase these days…
Making a "my most prefered songs 2011"-list:
Top 10 Albums of 2011
1. Forever Won't Wait- The Steve Adamyk Band
2. The Hunter- Mastodon
3. Presented As a Work of Fiction- Former Cell Mates
4. Moody, Standard, and Poor- Obits
5. Covering Ground- Chuck Ragan
6. Hardcore Will Never Die, But Your Will- Mogwai
7. Apokalypsis- Chelsea Wolfe
8. Heritage- Opeth
9. Dress Like Your Idols- Boat
10.England keep My Bones- Frank TurnerMusic Lovers Please Share Your Top 10
Topic up for Discussion…....Best Guitar Player?
I like Eddie Van Halen (but I'm no expert)