Anyone here play video games?
Skyrim may just be more addictive then heroin
^cannot get away from that game either, and love the soundtrack btw.
Skyrim may just be more addictive then heroin
I'm trying not to buy it for exactly that reason. Oblivion sucked away far too much of my life.
Skyrim is way better then Oblivian say goodbye to your life
^say goodbye to your social life.
if you have enough time to post in the forums, you aren't skyrimming (pause) hard enough
^so true
They say admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery so, here goes. I play Warcraft…
I could stop anytime though, honest. No, really...
I really just wish Blizzard would announce a release date for Diablo 3…
^ fuck a release date, just let it drop and watch us all frenzy like piranha!
yea well it seems they have adopted the same philosophy as Giles….IWHWIW, but in all fairness, they should not have started touting it 5 years ago in that case.
Also, if you plan on playing, we need to communicate on release date!
^ i will let you know everything i hear
Still consumed by Skyrim. Need to play Arkham City!!!
I'm just downloading the full version.
Bonus fact: The same studio made Penumbra which was optimized for the Novint Falcon
( I bought one of these haptic peripherals when they were released. Real cool thing.