EDC - What's In Your Pockets?
What is an EDC kit?
http://everyday-carry.com/ explains it better than me:
Everyday Carry, or EDC, generally refers to small items or gadgets worn, carried, or made available in pockets, holsters, or bags on a daily basis to manage common tasks or for use in unexpected situations or emergencies. In a broader sense, it is a lifestyle, discipline, or philosophy of preparedness.
I've followed the blog linked to above for a while, and I also like this one:
It's not really EDC, but equally interesting. Basically, what would you take with you if the house was burning down?
we already have a thread for this:
http://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=804.0 -
we already have a thread for this:
http://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=804.0Merged and re titled
That page is wonderful, Michael. Instant follow. Thanks!
I really like that site, it's always interesting.
Thanks Lando!
In the spirit of this thread, anyone tried this leatherman:
I just need a blade with some extras. I just lost my skeletool, and while I loved my skeletool, I mostly always used two things: blade and screwdriver.
I've got this one:
with the straight blade. Picked it up for exactly the same reasons you mentioned. I love it.
I've got this one:
with the straight blade. Picked it up for exactly the same reasons you mentioned. I love it.
Thanks for the feedback. I realized that I almost never use the pliers and that they add quite a bit of bulk.
my current EDC, excluding my iphone and leatherman wave black tactical.
Todd Foster's Coin Sap - my current coin wallet. great quality product, which i've actually used
twice, and let's say it works like a charm.
just make sure you keep it at least 3/4 filled though!
Fred Perrin Sap Wallet - this was my first coin sap. definitely way more lethal than the Todd Foster's coin sap, and more versatile as a self defense weapon compared to todd foster's coin sap. however, it's a bitch getting coins out of this wallet due to the lack of zips. on the practical side, there's compartments for you to put notes, and cards in it. doubt you wanna put cards tho, you'll definitely snap it, if you use it. i currently use this as a travel pouch for my surefire E2DL batteries.
A Smith and Wilson Military Watch With Reflective Paracord Watch Strap - i love my paracord. saved my butt in the army plenty of times. i've even used it to replaced a snapped boot lace before. this watch is cheap, and does what it's suppose to do. love it cause i do not need to worry about it being scratched and what not!
Surefire E2DL - definitely my favorite flashlight by far. can take a serious beating, plus it's light and compact for a 200 lumen flashlight . comes with a strike bezel too, for situations where you need to blind and bash. i have yet to use this. hopefully i wouldn't have too! you can never go wrong with a surefire!
Concealco Flashlight Holster - they sell really great quality handmade leather holsters. too bad my current belt (IHB-03) is too thick to strap this on! my brother is gonna make me a replacement holster.
x-Kaijin-x's Fishhook Key Holder - been using it for over a year. great quality product. affordable too. but, i am getting my brother to make me a leather key holster instead. don't really like walking around like a jail warden.
Ray-ban's Aviator - don't think i need to say how awesome this is. saved my eyes from the glaring sunlight in Australia, especially during summer.
Passport Holder With SIM Card Compartment, Inlaid With Fur On Leather - my brother made one each for my gf and myself. i love it. it's unique and well made. been using it for over a year, and it's still like brand new. everyone who have seen it seems to want one, except PETA members of course.
IH-Necklace -
enough said.
enough said.
IH-GEO - i had several small talks with GEO before as i sold him an IH shirt about a year ago. judging from the conversation we had, and the post i've seen him made on the forum. he's definitely an awesome guy, who will forever be solely missed both within his personal circle, and on this forum.
i love this bracelet simply because it shows that despite being miles apart from one another, and not having met each other at all or as often; the love and bonding within this forum is great. hence, this why this is the only forum that I actually post on. will be grabbing another one of these in the near future for sure.