That's Jokes
classic Geo
What do you call a cowboy with no legs?
A low down dirty bum
damn shame really.
hope your bum is better . . . HAhehehehAhe
damn shame really.
hope your bum is better . . . HAhehehehAhe
i see, this is the actual joke… hahahah
Just bought tickets to Artie Lange next month at Caroline's. Looking to possibly go on Sunday as well. If anyone is a fan and lives in or around NYC, PM me and we will roll.
sup Seul? ;D…
It's great how Seul has totally given us all some great fun with him wearing skirts and all - so we should be grateful he's with us at all after recovering from some serious injuries . . .
It all happened a while back when I had said to him I had made quite a bit of money selling bear skins
He said to me "isn't it a bit dangerous going after the bears?"
I said "no, not really - you just hunt in the winter when they are hibernating"
"what do you mean?" he said
"well, you just follow the tracks into the cave where they're sleeping . . . and bang, no problem"
"sounds good" said Seul "plus I need some more IH gear - think I'll give it a try"
I heard nothing of him for a few months, then I heard he'd just got out of hospital after being bandaged and plastered from head to toe
I said "what the hell happened to you?"
He said "well I did what you said . . . followed the tracks into a big dark cave . . . but I've still no idea where that train came from . . ."
Barack Obama and Tonto went camping in the desert. After
they got their tent all set up, both men fell sound asleep.Some hours later, Tonto woke the president and said, "Kemo
bro, look towards sky, what you see?"Obama replied, "I see millions of stars."
"What that tell you?" asked Tonto.
Obama pondered for a minute then said, "Astronomically
speaking, it tells me there are millions of galaxies and
potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, it tells me
that Saturn is in Leo. Time wise, it appears to be
approximately a quarter past three in the morning.
Theologically, Mother Nature is all-powerful and we are
small and insignificant. Meteorologically, it seems we will
have a beautiful day tomorrow. What's it tell you, Tonto?"Tonto says, "Obama, you dumber than buffalo shit. It means
somebody stole the tent." -
Two women were sitting quietly together, minding their own business…...
Hahahahaha, made me smile on a Friday AM. Thanks
Yeah. Cliffhanger for sure. ::) I started laughing before I finished reading. Still laughing actually.