IH-666Sod - Devil's Fit Overdyed - Super Slim Tapered
since the indigo version isn't there yetI don't think that the OD version is…so if they arrive save and sound Giles will let you know by posting it in this thread!...
@Giles:The 666S are complete and on the way to me. The 666Sod are a week or so behind the indigo version.
edit: too slow!
If they're discounted I would buy a bad pair :p
no 32's?
yes please. dont deal with self edge any more so you can omit them from your list!
much obliged.
havent looked yet but guessing shipping costs might kill the deal. any ideas on when the next run will be? rough guess
matt^ just be weary of the thighs, mine have stretched, but they're still rather tight. they didn't stretch as much as the waist did for me. if you look at my 666od(size 32) pictures compared to my 666xhs(size 30) pictures the xhs fit looser but they're still rather tight in the thighs. just keep it in mind. my thighs aren't small and i dont think true to size is the best idea for everyone who wants a pair of these.
Thanks cAbES, but I've been waffling over this for months now. If there was a 35 I'd probably get it but I think I'll try my luck with the 34. I'm just not comfortable sizing up 2. If I can't get them on I may switch but if I can get them up and buttoned, I'll tough it out for a few weeks.
havent looked yet but guessing shipping costs might kill the deal. any ideas on when the next run will be? rough guess
2 to 3 months - Sorry - G