Iron Heart Gosport Tee Shirt
What ever it is please let there be XXL
I personally think it would be poor form to release a tee with any sort of rising sun image on it.
Some great ideas. I think we could combine a couple of these concepts,
i.e. Redstripes idea:
and Scroogens idea:
I'd like a simple design, in keeping with the idea that "less is more".
Front: a little logo positioned like the forum t-shirts. Perhaps the IH motif with the letters GSC over it.
Back: a larger design with the silhouette of a large (perhaps military?) ship, with IRON HEART in large lettering along the side of the ship.
Keep it subtle - no direct mention of Gosport, but people in the know will know what it's about.
PS: in case it's not obvious, GSC = Gosport Stubborn Crew
I like yours too, Finn.
Looking back, there have been a bunch of good ideas here, and the concept is great. We need to celebrate the quirkiness of the Gosport/IH connection without heaping shit on the place.
Whatever the decision, I'm always about simplicity - anything with a very busy design or trying to be too funny would totally put me off buying one.
Back: a larger design with the silhouette of a large (perhaps military?) ship, with IRON HEART in large lettering along the side of the ship.
“Shipping Beatch” lovin’ this idea
got to love beats, change the 4 to a 21. someone was mentioing 4 is bad luck & means death in some circles (if i recall correctly, if i'm wrong sorry in advance) although a death biker is pretty bad a$$
Good call on changing the 4 to a 21, Monday.
And is it just me, or does the rider look suspiciously like Nem?
i was thinking more like injun
The long hair kinda rules out Injun, doesn't it? Mustache is more Nem-like, too.