Random Announcements
I am both extremely excited and slightly dreading the Iron Heart/Self Edge store event in October. Excited to see everything in the IH lineup in person, plus whatever new and special stuff Haraki, Giles and Kiya have cooked up, and dreading the hit my wallet will inevitably take when I see something I cannot leave without…
I gotta preemptively put some stuff up for sale so I have enough cash on hand (and to prevent a spousal supernova).
I'm getting revenge on the bankers by spending their money, once I've disposed of my own
Do you speak much Japanese already G?
While I'm in this thread… I came across this interesting read published earlier in the year about the Osaka 5 denim brands. Good stuff here: http://www.japanesestreets.com/reports/1313/the-quest-for-perfect-jeans
You should learn how to tie a fundoshi G
Do you speak much Japanese already G?
No. I understand a lot, but have never attempted to learn anything apart from the bare essentials. My signature phrase is Debu, which I say regularly whilst patting my over-taught stomach after yet another feast, Haraki does the same. We both always piss ourselves laughing, it means "fat", pathetic I know, but it keeps us amused…..
Ha, sounds a lot like my Cantonese utterances when in HK!
I just scored a part for my 75' Ironhead that I've been trying to find for four years! I so fucking stoked right now!!
Looks like my Winter project is back on track…. -
Summer heat is near the end 'cause my girls are laying! Breakfast for dinner!
Saw a guy yesterday wearing a tee shirt with what is surely Seul's motto: "You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning".
For the record (and I will not get drawn into any discussions about the pro's and con's of any of my retailers), I have no written contract with any of them, my view is if you need to get legal, you're fucked before you start. This is a tiny business, you fuck somebody over, it'll bite back hard.
G, always a badass!
Can we have the "like" button back for that comment please