Random Announcements
Do you speak much Japanese already G?
No. I understand a lot, but have never attempted to learn anything apart from the bare essentials. My signature phrase is Debu, which I say regularly whilst patting my over-taught stomach after yet another feast, Haraki does the same. We both always piss ourselves laughing, it means "fat", pathetic I know, but it keeps us amused…..
Ha, sounds a lot like my Cantonese utterances when in HK!
I just scored a part for my 75' Ironhead that I've been trying to find for four years! I so fucking stoked right now!!
Looks like my Winter project is back on track…. -
Summer heat is near the end 'cause my girls are laying! Breakfast for dinner!
Saw a guy yesterday wearing a tee shirt with what is surely Seul's motto: "You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning".
For the record (and I will not get drawn into any discussions about the pro's and con's of any of my retailers), I have no written contract with any of them, my view is if you need to get legal, you're fucked before you start. This is a tiny business, you fuck somebody over, it'll bite back hard.
G, always a badass!
Can we have the "like" button back for that comment please
Really liked that email I recieved today also Giles. Always appreciate info on Loopwheeling, etc. A smart inclusion on your part!