Iron Heart Meetups
So for anyone planning on coming to SF in the end of April/ Beginning of May, I would like to try to offer you a free ride from the airport. It would be much better if any out of towners could figure out what days and times they arrive so that maybe I could do 1 trip. Let me know all!
hahahhaa, Giles, you keep making me LOL with these things…
Sounds amazingly great to me! Once you have final pricing, pm me the amount and I'll send it your way. Hahaha. That said, really can't wait to meet everyone.
I got you, for real! Just remind me closer to the actual date with all the details and its as good as done!
I would like to take the credit for this idea, but as usual one of you came up with the scheme. Thanks Hectic.
I am planning an Iron Heart party (poss combined with my favourite leather clothing manufacturer) at a central London location. I'll be taking loads and loads of stuff with me, so you can try and buy or just try, then at least you'll know your sizing for the future.
Booze and nibbles will of course be provided.
Love to have your feedback as to whether you think this is a good idea
I'm thinking mid summer to give people the time to plan…G
I would definitely try to make it out to this! Not sure what my plans will be??? Many possibilities in the works…
I would definitely try to make it out to this! Not sure what my plans will be??? Many possibilities in the works…
i would love to go….... but will this be for this year or next year? i don't think the finacee will like it if i go before the wedding.... unless i tell here it's for my bachelor party
We're thinking this year, possibly late June or early July… but will also depend on feedback from all interested parties...
Peterock, how exciting that you're getting married this summer! What date?
Wow that is generous! You guys are too kind.
It will be funny seeing everyone showing up with their IH bags filled with IH products to the place they once came from.