Which Cell Phone do you own?
I'll play this game:
My HTC Thunderbolt can go through a full charge in about 3 hours if I do crazy stuff like, um, use it. If it sits quietly untouched on my bedside table, it might, I said might last 18 hours.And I agree about Blackberry. They're dying, and quickly. Bad management, slow product development cycles, an antiquated OS that isn't slated to be updated until the fall (if things go well) and dull phones are killing them. That recent service outage that took a couple of days to fix was the final straw for a lot of corporate clients, which comprise BlackBerry's only remaining customer base. Too bad, since RIM basically created the smartphone category.
Seul, I've seen the light and now drink Belgian beer and wear duck, you should see the light and join the cult of Apple
No - I'm sorry. I'm not a closeminded lad, but they are way too expensive and crappy imo… Plus: I've JUST started using the WiFi function on my phone... It's not as if I need a smartphone, àt all... The BB Storm 2 just looks massively good... Was my main reason to buy...
Blackberry can't hold apples jock. Rim will prob go under, haha
I commend your loyalty, Seul, but eventually you're going to have to reassess BlackBerry's features against the other phones on the market. They're simply not competitive any more. You don't have to join the Apple cult, though. Android phones are excellent and the new Windows phones are even developing solid buzz. Try one of them when your beloved BlackBerry finally goes down for good.
Galaxy S3 complete with the Siri ripoff.
Guys: as you know the screen on my Blackberry Storm 2 is shattered… It still functions (kudos, li'l bastard), but replacing it would cost 100 €... I'm currently looking at a Blackberry 9860... Anyone have one?.. Is it as heavy as a Storm?.. I love the heavy BBs
And I'm not very interested in other phones, but if you know of something decent around 100-150 €, let us know...
Seul, I respect you're going down with the BB Ship, they're all but out;
http://techcrunch.com/2013/09/20/blackberry-confirms-massive-layoffs-reveals-1-billion-loss-in-q2-2014/I've ready Really Bad things about Q10, avoid like the plague;