What's your favorite Beer?
Adam, next time I'm in Santa Fe, I've got to check this place out. Looks fantastic.
This is for Adam313
Just drank my 1st Chimay blue holy shit
Adam313, here's another one for you!
Takin' over Okieville!!!
Seul, I've been drinking a lot of these lately. Makes me think of you
Would just like to alert everyone in the NYC thread, I was drinking these before you guys made it cool!
Knew I saw that can somewhere before; you are a trendsetter, Joe.
Some REAL beer… Kasteelbier Tripel... 11°... And it goes down like water
[img width=640 height=853]http://i1109.photobucket.com/albums/h429/Seul666/Seul666b/P1170431_zps6136c102.jpg
Dear God… We are gonna drink an even stronger beer right now... Rochefort 10... 11.3°...
SO FUCKING DELICIOUS... Jesus tapdancing christ… I'm normally not into brown beers, except for St Bernardus Abt 12, but this is so rich... Unbelievable... Expensive though - 2.13 € per bottle!.. :-\
[img width=640 height=853]http://i1109.photobucket.com/albums/h429/Seul666/Seul666b/P1170439_zps3c3cc924.jpg