What's your favorite Beer?
Just drank my 1st Chimay blue holy shit
Adam313, here's another one for you!
Takin' over Okieville!!!
Seul, I've been drinking a lot of these lately. Makes me think of you
Would just like to alert everyone in the NYC thread, I was drinking these before you guys made it cool!
Knew I saw that can somewhere before; you are a trendsetter, Joe.
Some REAL beer… Kasteelbier Tripel... 11°...
And it goes down like water
[img width=640 height=853]http://i1109.photobucket.com/albums/h429/Seul666/Seul666b/P1170431_zps6136c102.jpg
Dear God… We are gonna drink an even stronger beer right now... Rochefort 10... 11.3°...
Jesus tapdancing christ… I'm normally not into brown beers, except for St Bernardus Abt 12, but this is so rich... Unbelievable... Expensive though - 2.13 € per bottle!.. :-\
[img width=640 height=853]http://i1109.photobucket.com/albums/h429/Seul666/Seul666b/P1170439_zps3c3cc924.jpg
Had one of those a few months ago. Definitely a good one!
I know you have your excuses as to why you won't be able to meet up, but I need a very long list of what's beers to buy…...
If I'm settled in my new pad by then (hopefully!), we really, REALLY should meet up… My place is a 10 minute walk from the station (I'd pick you up of course) and on a direct line from places like Antwerp, Ghent, Bruges, Brussels,...
Or are you coming by car???