Iron Heart Meetups
Yes you will. PM me the exact details so I can set a reminder in my phone.
Like i'll forget…
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Just go! It is just one big party. You will see if you go.
Oh yeah, I'm sure I'll win best dressed (Just kidding !). LandoCal and Beats have excellent shots at the prize, though.
LandoCal and Beats – you are far more dedicated SuFu members than I am. I'll definitely be there, Saturday May 1st...I'll get there early (like at 5 PM). But unless I suddenly won the lottery, I wouldn't fucking fly around the world for that shit. I mean, the London meetup is a good example...I have a cousin who lives there. So if I visited London, it would be to stay with/visit him (we are very close, he's practically a brother to me). Now if a London meetup were to happen while I was in London, then sure...I'd show up. But otherwise ? No.
I guess I have much higher priorities in life than denim. Also, though I like you guys (on this forum) a lot...I wouldn't call our friendships meaningful or deep just yet. It takes a loooong time for me to get to that level with anyone -- and there's no substitute for face-to-face time as far as that goes. This may surprise you -- but -- as far as my personal life/personal time goes, I'm actually very private and don't give it away freely.
@ Shubz, I totally relate to what you are saying but you (and I) are an amalgam of the old and new school, whilst we may embrace technology in lots of ways we still adhere to older paradigms of interaction/social enagagement etc.
I conjecture that humans are now evolving differently in this respect; distinctions between on/offline, virutal or otherwise, are probably less important to people Simon's age. Perhaps I could make a crude analogy; as computing migrates increasingly into the cloud then we may see other human attributes being up-streamed into other substrates, e.g.: google (etc) is a type of exo-cortex taking over mundane computing tasks that you might previously had to work out (shock, horror) on your own (using something called a book). Similarly, facebook et al may represent to many people a completely viable social space, in no way inferior to f-to-f. I do know a few people playing Wiorld of Warcraft who swear that their relationships are just as valid as an RL ones.
Just my little ramble…
@ G - you da man.
Said it before i would be very interested in a meet up. Only need the date to say yay or neigh for certain
Sounds like a really nice party/sales event. I just wonder they don't even have some pairs of really desirable jeans in the raffle. I mean you gotta purchase an item to even be entered and all you get is a $100 gift certificate IF you are lucky? At least have some really desirable $400 pairs of jeans in there if the entry price is as high as a purchase at SE. I know it's for the camaraderie and all and not for the prizes but it still seems a bit lame for lack of a better word not to have more attractive prizes, especially since the $100 certificate goes right back into their cash register and is possibly accompanied by some additional money to stem a bigger purchase. I guess I'm too thrifty for that kinda stuff.
I like to visit London someday and the meetups. I like to visit other country too and my favourite TV channel is , the discovery channel, "travel and living " and Globe Trekker and Ian Wright is funny .
And also from that discovery channel is also where i first saw the Iron Heart jeans and the Boss on the "Jeans Confidential ". -
I believe it is called "Blue Jeans Confidential". I may be wrong. I can't view the video at the moment but am working on finding the video as I am sure Beats is as well, to post here…
Article: -
Save the weight on personal hygiene items - toothbrush is all you need - we can supply gorgeous lotions and potions. How heavy is Vinneus? Could you pack him instead, to sort G and me bad hair?
Screw that, show up naked with just a toothbrush…that way you can fit one more outfit on yourself as well as all the stuff in your duffel