Pocketknives/Kitchen Knives/Fixed Blades
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Here's a little more Williams Henry love or y'all
^thats a beauty
Shrade knife base (made in Japan) hand made handle by Ken Haught
Ichiro Hattori Higonokami Folder
Benchmade 480 Shoki Nakamura Design
Chris Reeve Small Sebenza
William Henry E10-2 -
^you love your Spyderco
Shoki comes w/ this:
^you love your Spyderco
I actually used to really dislike the way Spydercos looked (actually, still kind of do), until I got a Persistence and an Ambitious a couple months ago for our two cars (to put into the emergency kits). At 30 bucks a piece, hard to go wrong, right?
Was really impressed with the build quality and THAT EDGE. With a stropped edge, competes with some of my full custom knives
My son bought me one of these for Christmas
It's really unusual I get knocked on my ass with the quality of a knife, but this one has done it at 1/4 the price of a Sebenza
It's a great knife for $50. If you're in the States, Howe's knife shop has them in black at a very good price with free shipping
It's great for pocket carry, very light, and the ergos (while the knife isn't pretty) is spot on
The edge was uneven though, I had to reprofile (the back was at a shallower angle than the tip). Bugged me
My Strider SnG. Old pic from when I first got it. Couldn't be arsed to take a new one. Its my EDC.