Heavyweight Denim Championships 2013-2015 - Official Thread
ok maybe could have hemmed 0.5-1" more, but the taper and everything is just as i wanted it to be…Mike at thedenimdoctor.co.uk is the king!
Told you bitch
Embrace the longer length for now… Wear hard for 6 months first, and wash it prior to re-hemming...
thanks a lot guys! couldn´t be happier…
he tapered them on the outseam and spread the selvage seam so it´s a tad wide now...still does look good when worn with a small cuff, so it´s all good!
gonna give´em a wash (40-60°C) to get out all the shrinkage and then i´m going to tear´em up...that´s the plan! -
Can't wait to see them Rafa!
nice, going to be so much better once the denim settles & the thighs loosen.
i'm curious to see the selvedge id
Perfect Fit, Rafa….!!!
thanks a lot mate…best decision i´ve made, now i can enjoy´em in their full glory!
nice, going to be so much better once the denim settles & the thighs loosen.
i'm curious to see the selvedge id
thanks mickey. gonna post a pic soon mate, give me a moment or two!…
Very nice!
They kind of fit like 555s now, don't they?
how long do we have again to post our first fit pics?
-i have the pictures, but my computer is currently a paper weight
so i have nothing to use for a bit until i get a new CPU, i can only browse the site with my phone
how long do we have again to post our first fit pics?
-i have the pictures, but my computer is currently a paper weight
so i have nothing to use for a bit until i get a new CPU, i can only browse the site with my phone
You got a while yet, some guys are still waiting for their Samurai jeans to be released
I'd be curious to see them measured the IH way and compare them to the 666 and 555 cuts. I'm happy to see they worked out!