Very nice Zwer, how do you like them?
Chris, I am also not a huge fan of CXL, much prefer latigo and dress leathers respectively.
I like them a lot. I was a bit worried about the colour out of the box, but as I suspected, they work really well with denim.
Walking is my main form of transportation so we'll see how they hold up to me and how I hold up to them. Today I think the boots have a slight edge.
Width is good. I would have guessed I was an E, but after sending in the tracings, measurements and a long phone chat with Josh at Baker's, I was comfortable with their recommendation. They're roomy, but not loose.
Still have to work on my lacing as there are some minor pressure points on the top of my feet.
Switched to the leather laces and added the false tongue for today.
Love these boots. Go with the kilty (tongue) it's what sets the BH apart from the SD boot.
great simple boot.
think i would actually wear them if they weren't stacked so high, can't wait to see them get some wear.
C'mon, Monday- who doesn't like a little extra sole?
Yeah, I know. That was terrible.
So many nice boots in this thread.
These Whites crossed my facebook feed today, it startled me a little for some reason but I thought it was really cool so I figured I'd share.
From the poster "Whites are insane. These are starting their 14th fire season and I only had the tread replaced once (last year) all other leather is still good. Mink oil only…...hope they can make it 13 more!"
Figured you guys were about the only people I know that would appreciate that.
Fresh from the box. Actually pretty comfortable. They will take some time to be just right, but not as stiff as I thought they'd be!.
Those are fantastic!
With the unsettled weather we've been having here I decided to put a coat of Kiwi Dubbin on my White's this morning. Didn't seem to change the colour of the leather and maybe it will soften them up a bit.
Love that cap toe Finn.
Some mighty fine boots here.
Love that cap toe Finn.
wasn´t that pleased with it at first i have to admit. loving it now though…almost the same as on your pair btw. (which also looks pretty damn nice!)...
Cap toes rule.
(see, I commented in this thread, where it's appropriate