You get a job offer?
"Obstacles are stepping-stones That guide us to our goals"
got more than an offer mate!
got two companies (the one i had today's interview at and the one I had my internship back in 2011) fighting for me, to join their team! how badass is that
the new one has one badass project for me to work at as site manager. if I give my best and if the project ends well, all doors will be open and I literally can chose for which company i want to work next. the project is running 3-3.5 years.
they'll message me the contract on monday and invited me for wednesday to meet up with them again and to sign said contract! the money is way more than right and I'd even be able to go on that long desired trip in dezember and january (what up snowy?)…
the old company (the branch manager himself!) called after i had the interview and asked me to join their team as well (sent applications to both in may!)...the only thing is, I don't know where I'd be located (Bern, Basel, Zürich), what project i'd be working at and when things would start!
so i've decided that i'm gonna roll with the new company! felt pretty "welcomed" and cared for while having the interview and also the guy leading it was pretty cool and open minded!
also I already know the project manager from my time at the old company (it's going to be his and my first project for the new company!) so we pretty much know what I expect from each other...couldn't be happier with my situation I have to say! way too lucky
gonna call the branch manager from the old company in the morning and see what he has to say and what he has to offer... gonna compare both offers, but like already said, gonna roll with the new joint! just sounds right to me and I know I can do this...
that was actually my whole day! visited a few site managers that worked with me in 2011 and also got to meet a few entrepreneurs I'm going to work with soon...
TODAY WAS A GOOD DAY! most def.!!!
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Duck and Pear pizza at Pizza Libretto in Toronto
homemade burgers with chocolate. YUM
Delicious :))