Anyone here play video games?
Played it until the first boss battle (tank), felt dull to me. Some people say it's one of the best MGS games though.
A thing I liked about it was the fulton recovery system. It's a game you should play if your backlog is empty and you don't know what else to play imho. But now with GTA V, Puppeteer and stuff that's not going to be the case. -
Legacy Collection looks sick… But I never liked playing MGS 4... How is Peacewalker?..
Surprising immersive on handheld, the controls took a bit of getting used to. Strangely, they've kept the controls the same on PS3. I thought they would have been reconfigured to take advantage of the extra buttons and second stick.
Well MGS:LC has already been put to one side. Started with Puppeteer, played the other night for 4hrs… Fantastic so far although there does seem to be a bit of an over-reliance on QTEs :(.
The trouble is.. GTA V is out tomorrow, I've just been paid in cash for an item I had on Ebay. Didn't want to be paid in cash because ^.
And I'm off from work Wednesday/Thursday... really tempted to buy it... But on the other hand I've got 8 games to play already...
My other Uniqlo x MGS4 collaboration Tee. Design by Logan. (The firm that did the intro for MGS4 and the iPod adverts for Apple).
Getting it tomorrow, I didn't plan to purchase at first but got sucked in by the hype train:
Heh, I think I've buckled under the pressure, Edge, my gaming magazine of choice has given it 10/10. Something they had only done for 8 or so games (until they revised a lot of 9/10s in the last issue). I'll probably get a copy on Wednesday, have to rotate with Puppeteer and MGS:LC. Maybe when I get stuck…
I've not played GTA since the original came out. However, I hear the reviews for this one are out of this world good. I have to pick up NHL 14, anyway, so why not give it another try?