Anyone here play video games?
I've not played GTA since the original came out. However, I hear the reviews for this one are out of this world good. I have to pick up NHL 14, anyway, so why not give it another try?
Picked up a webcam today. My internet connection is pretty shite, but I'll be trying it out for the first time tonight on my stream (
) and reppin' the IHSH-72 tonight for some Symphony of the Night. Full out dork mode.I'll be watching for sure, please just notify me / us again before you start.
Thanks shoque! Maybe today when I start up I'll actually remember to switch my headset mic to default instead of the terrible webcam mic, haha. Still fairly new to all this, but you can always click the "Follow" button on my channel page to get email updates when I stream, or follow my twitter @jestreloon.
This is just a fun hobby I'm fooling with in the downtime I have right now before moving. I'm sure I'll be wearing more IH gear on there since the temperatures are dropping
i was going to ask if this thread just turned into a GTAV discussion hangout when 2 things occurred to me: 1) I went back a page or two to see all of the chat about the game and 2) Everyone is likely playing too contently to care to chat about it. Fair enough.