Random Predictions
If anyone can be bothered, read this.
Wow, I'm really out of touch with pop culture…
Unless wearing random gun themed tshirts is "hipsterish"...
I think we have different ideas of hipsters…
This is really the crux of the issue. Some people may look at me and think I'm a hipster because I wax my moustache, grow my beard out, and ride a single speed bike. Other's might call that indie, alt, or any other number of labels.
When I was having this discussion with my wife the other day, we came to the conclusion that 'hipster' is just too much of a nebulous concept. It is defined not by the attributes of the hipster, but rather in comparison to the level of difference from the 'mainstream.' What looks hipster in Ann Arbor looks mainstream in NYC, and what looks hipster in NYC would look like a crazy person in Ann Arbor.
This concept is the central idea on Wikipedia's article about hipsters as well.
My Random Prediction: Raw denim is on the upswing. We're gonna see a lot of it in the next few years, and then it's gonna fade out again.
Reasoning: American Eagle has raw denim now.
Another Random Prediction: Apple has hit its apex, and will begin to decline in the next decade.
If anyone can be bothered, read this.
Best line from this whole thing:
"Don't forget your plugs, piercings, and random scars supposedly acquired through woodwork and other carpenter-like endeavors."
- What beer Seul will be drinking tonight (Seul is not allowed to predict).
Who had their money on Bush de Noël?.. Come collect your money!..
I think the irishipster hit the nail on the head.
Gav, I don't think there's an age limit on being a hipster. You bought your little kid Iron heart jeans and regularly post WAYWT pics on the Internet. You're a hipster in my eyes and would probably be considered one by an old lady in the middle of nowhere.
As for me, I live in Williamsburg so I guess that automatically makes me a hipster.
yes it does sir (the username "urbanwoodsman" doesn't help…). Although there's a bit of a paradox there....
If hipsters are mainstream in Williamsburg, does that mean you aren't a hipster if you live in Williamsburg?
We're all hipsters, I only applied the age criteria because my entire knowledge of hipsters comes from the article I linked earlier.
The Texans will lose, keeping my streak of never seeing them win in person alive and well.
My Random Prediction: Raw denim is on the upswing. We're gonna see a lot of it in the next few years, and then it's gonna fade out again.
Reasoning: American Eagle has raw denim now.
…You are very late to the game with that prediction.
For over 3 years you see more and more selvedge and "selvedge" and raw denim everywhere. -
Back from the dead!!!!
This year we will begin to see the decline of the veblen effect (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veblen_good) surrounding Apple.
I believe that the purchase of Beats Headphones, the purported cheaper iPhone and iPad models and the insistence on using their own connectors rather than something more ubiquitous (mini USB?) will finally strip away some of the Steve Jobs veneer. I'll be sad to see it happen, but I think it's coming. You can't fight the tide.
I think Apple's connector is rad and I can't blame them for getting tired of waiting on USB to make something decent. I moved from Apple to Windows Phone (Nokia) and micro USB is a piece of shit compared to Apple's connector; I really miss it. Apple seems to have actually looked at plugs as part of their development process, unlike the USB consortium. For example, it has chamfering and rounded edges just like an electrical plug to aid insertion such that you don't have to have an exact entry angle. Anyway, while I generally agree with the rest of what you said, a proprietary, internally-developed connector is VERY Steve Jobs. Show me the iPod/iPhone/iPad that doesn't have one.
Beats was definitely an interesting, and distinctly non-Jobsian, purchase.
My biggest issue is that nothing "just works" anymore. The biggest problem is there's not a micromanager-in-chief. Heads should be rolling after all the FAIL of late, and I think Cook is more of a bean counter than a visionary. It's disappointing to see such a fate befall Apple IMO.
…the insistence on using their own connectors rather than something more ubiquitous (mini USB?) will finally strip away some of the Steve Jobs veneer.
Apple loves them some proprietary connectors and it doesn't seem to have any ill effects. Remember IEEE 1394 (I still can't call it "Firewire" without doing jazz hands)? Granted, that was when Jobs was around and could toss out something shiny to distract people from the bad ideas. It's a different company now, but I think Apple's decline will be less because of dumb proprietary hardware and more because of uninteresting products.
Apple products have always been less interesting than other manufacturers, less features, less battery, less memory but they sold on quality, convenience and reputation. When I say this I am talking about average consumers rather than super savvy tech geeks (said in full expectation of being pulled down with a list of crazy Apple innovations that man in the street gives zero shits about).
They will fall because they are cheapening their own image, rather than being set apart they are getting closer to joining the herd and it is in the herd where inconvenient little details like proprietary connectors will just piss people off.
FireWire was initiated and primarily developed by Apple, and first included in their products, but it technically is an open standard that was implemented by a consortium (Texas Instruments, Sony, and perhaps others actively contributing). The Lightning connector has no such pedigree.
My suspicion is the Beats move had more to do with the streaming service and with negotiating with big media than with ugly, overpriced headphones. We will see. Kind of a head-scratcher. Cook seems more interested in money than product, and to me that spells the end of Apple. Perhaps not financially, but certainly culturally.