Random questions to which you seek an answer
my thoughts, if this is whats gonna happen now with viberg only doing batch runs. i'm not impressed
yes it doesn't effect the durability of the boots
but there craftsmanship is what you're paying for
they're not even close to what i expect from a 900 dollar pair of boots
this is even worse then the wack stitching jeff got on his whites
they almost look like two different size patterns were used
sorry to be the fart in the soup bowl but i'd be pissed at that
especially after you had to send your engineers back when the straps failed
and just for the record, i'm a big viberg fan for those that didn't already know
someone had to say it -
@natehate I appreciate the frank thoughts. Part of me definitely feels this way; I phrased my question to Viberg very carefully, basically noting upfront that I love their stuff and think it's awesome but wanting to know if this is something they would stand behind as a part of the hand lasting process.
Guy has been nothing but awesome all along, so I'll report back once he responds.
Alright guys- just following up. I heard back from Guy. Bottom line, it is because of the hand lasting process and is effectively found on one degree or another on most pairs of service boots like these. Guy said specifically "It can be even more obvious on lace to toe models because of the proximity of the hardware to the midsole."
Obviously he offered to take them back if I wasn't happy with the product, but that's a moot point since as has been noted here already comfort and durability are unaffected. Guy said they would not consider this to be a flaw, and neither do I.
No you can all go back to measuring how many centimeters off your seams are.
Well for what it's worth Guy said that the lasting process is literally done "by feel." I don't see this as an to dodge the issue, but rather an honest accounting for what is happening when boots are crafted in this way. G said it first: embrace the small "imperfections."
Now you can all go back to measuring how many centimeters off your seams are.
*4c runs off to get his ruler… and… (sigh of relief) perfect.
Whiskey A-go-go is the one I've heard the most about
http://www.whiskyagogo.com/ -
I need help in Flat Head boots sizing. For those who own one, does it fit tts. If I'm a US9 should I go the same with FH boots? Thanks.
@SSoL, fwiw go with your gut feeling inside says ok then wear em hard, if still the inside argues then opt for a repair/a swap? which Guy offered. I do understand the sentiment of wanting the boots for what the monies they worth. Who don't right?
As for me personally, the vibergs that i have are not all perfect.. there are (minoorrrrrr) flaws here and there but that makes them special to me.
@Giles. Hopefully this will help you:
Now can anyone explain how our favourite Belgian has a better written command of the English language than many native UK English speakers?
It has been bugging me for a while now.
Is our education system really that bad?
Very good Giles!
I'm just wondering where he picked up the Cockney accent…
Well, I can't speak to education in the UK, but I know that in the US there is less emphasis on proper writing than one would hope for. I also think that people who study English as a second language are often more careful and precise with their usage, because the desire is there to do it right. The rest of us don't give a fuck if our communication is perfect, because we haven't ever struggled to make ourselves understood in our native language.