Random questions to which you seek an answer
Now you can all go back to measuring how many centimeters off your seams are.
*4c runs off to get his ruler… and… (sigh of relief) perfect.
Whiskey A-go-go is the one I've heard the most about
http://www.whiskyagogo.com/ -
I need help in Flat Head boots sizing. For those who own one, does it fit tts. If I'm a US9 should I go the same with FH boots? Thanks.
@SSoL, fwiw go with your gut feeling inside says ok then wear em hard, if still the inside argues then opt for a repair/a swap? which Guy offered. I do understand the sentiment of wanting the boots for what the monies they worth. Who don't right?
As for me personally, the vibergs that i have are not all perfect.. there are (minoorrrrrr) flaws here and there but that makes them special to me.
@Giles. Hopefully this will help you:
Now can anyone explain how our favourite Belgian has a better written command of the English language than many native UK English speakers?
It has been bugging me for a while now.
Is our education system really that bad?
Very good Giles!
I'm just wondering where he picked up the Cockney accent…
Well, I can't speak to education in the UK, but I know that in the US there is less emphasis on proper writing than one would hope for. I also think that people who study English as a second language are often more careful and precise with their usage, because the desire is there to do it right. The rest of us don't give a fuck if our communication is perfect, because we haven't ever struggled to make ourselves understood in our native language.
Talking of Cockney, I live in Barnet, which is Cockney rhyming slang for hair (from Barnet Fair). E.g. "Look at his ridiculous Barnet".
Quite (in)appropriate in this context really and I don't have much left myself so I really shouldn't have brought it up. I'll get me coat.