Crazy ass weather. The North easy is taking all the bad weather. They left us to suffer through 60F in February.
Badass video.
Kind of dumb, but made me chuckle. Also earned a stern look from the Mrs.
Can't forget the second calcuation:
D - 1
Where D is the number of motorcycles/bicycles that will lead to a divorce
I have three bicycles and my wife gets a look in her eyes when i talk about how much I would like a mountain bike.
D - 1 and N + 1. It's all about finding equilibrium.
Guys…if that's the problem...find a right woman....;)
the first thing i think when i meet girls is "will she look good on the back of my bike" or "is she hot enough to make me wanna put a p pad on?"
I had a bike when I got married and she was cool with it (or we wouldn't be together). And I've had 1 or 2 at all times since then. The current #2 she actually encouraged me to get, helped pick it out, loves it. But when I recently picked up#3 from my dad last year (one that I had previously owned before he took it) she wasn't so excited about it. She thinks I don't "need" 3 motorcycles!?! How silly is that kind of thinking?
that guy was in mcn this week i think hes nordic which explains a lot