Random Rants
Found out yesterday that my dad has bowel cancer. He's not felt right for the past two years apparently and never went to the bloody doctor as for some bizarre fucking reason both my parents believe that you shouldn't go to the doctor, ever, as they will misdiagnose you.
Didn't stop my mum shouting at him for a solid hour as to why he hadn't been sooner, even though she's the worst culprit (she wouldn't go herself recently and it took the birth of my son to make her go, as she wasn't allowed to see him due to the fact that both her eyes were leaking pus).
Now my mum is talking like the poor bugger is already dead whilst I'm trying to put a positive spin on it for my dads sake and to be supportive but she is relentlessly going through every possible scenario - which includes repeatedly telling all friends and relatives over the phone, to the extent that she is reading them all the medical report in relentless detail, including the fact that my dad has piles. For fucks sake.
Not posting this for sympathy but simply to get it off my fucking chest so apologies!
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Sorry man. Love and light!
Cheers guys much appreciated!
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Sorry to hear about your troubles mate, hope everything works out for the best.
Cheers dudes
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Although no reaction will be as thermonuclear as the time when - aged 28 - I told her that if got a three quarter sleeve tattooed!
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Went outside this morning to find that the metal thing that holds the ridge tiles onto my roof has literally fallen off, exactly on the month that I could have done without ANOTHER bill
The only things stopping me are….
I have no idea what those things are called, or where to buy a new one. Google has proved surprisingly shit on this task.
I crap myself on ladders.
Pam actually wants a decent job doing of it and not my half asses attempt at building work (you should see the pointing I did, bad enough to get me out of doing construction work for years).
I did part of my own pointing, which was so bad that we ended up paying a dude to do the rest
- I have no idea what those things are called, or where to buy a new one. Google has proved surprisingly shit on this task.
if you google roof tile clips there should be a lot of information available, but depending on the type and shape of tile used the clip will differ as well.
i can't help with 2) or 3) though….
@Megatron1505 may I just point out that @ky is female and appears to know a shit load more about building and DIY than you do…..