IHSH-08 16oz Super Black Western Shirt
Hopefully that Super Stealth is ready for Zhivago when we go to Vegas Sept. 30th.
HumboldtxIHxVegas…We can only hope, my fingers will remain crossed for the next month I guess.
I guess there's no cure to us IH junks…
Yeah i got so mad at one of my friends who thought i was wearing levis..
Yeah, I have had that numerous time with a few items. I don't mind it. In fact, I enjoy it in a sick denim nerd kind of way…
1st wash: 30 C°, with some natural soap, delicate setting
==> noticed some sérious white streaks so I tossed it in the washing machine again2nd wash: 40 C°, with some washing detergent for black stuff, delicate setting, extra rinsing
==> it still looks like shit…3rd wash: any tips?..
Pics (btw: it's not dust, I've applied a dustroller on it):
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soap streaks? have you tried a clean water rinse/soak?
man that really sucks seul.
simon626, i think u might be right about the cause of those "fades".
i recall something like that happening to DougNG when he washed his riders jackect and didn't let it get good & saturated before the machine started with it's business. not like any of that helps you at this point . . . hopefully i'm wrong & someone with more experience can give you some proper guidance on this. -
soap streaks? have you tried a clean water rinse/soak?
That was gonna be my next course of action. But then I did an extra rinse last time so I don't know… I'll rinse and get back to y'all later...
good luck dude
I'm going to have to go against the grain on this one and say I don't think it's fading. My pair of 9634Z (which I believe uses the same SuperBlack 2.0 fabric as the IHSH-16, as distinct from the 9634 1.0 fabric) had this happen also, but with mine it was totally impermanent. Actually, like Seul I gave it a subsequent soak, after machine washing on delicate produced the discoloration. The soak lessened said discoloration. Also, wearing my 9634Z for several weeks to work and back, without washing, returned the fabric to normal deep black.
If this were due to washing machine abrasion, I'd imagine it'd be absent if one were to wash the SB garment inside-out. I did this and the same white-ish, almost film-like stuff was still present on the outer surface only. I came to the conclusion it was soap or hard water residue that collected in the natural folds of the spun dry fabric. Yes, I spun dried my SB cause it ain't supposed to fade and I use them for cycling and occupational attire.
Another data point that might rule out fading; I soaked my 9634Z, inside-out, in warm water upon first receiving them, hung them to dry, and still noticed this white-ish discoloration, but only on the outer surface. I thought it was starch at first and it still could've been, but it looks the same as the discoloration in subsequent washes. Maybe the denim really hangs onto the starch…?
tl;dr In conclusion, SUPERBLACK RULES and I don't think this is fading.
Edit: spelling -
tl;dr my ass - I read it alright haha!..
Very informative read. I will add that I of course turned the garment inside out before machinewashing it the first time…
Anyway: it's hangdrying now... Will let you guys know tomorrow what the results are... Thanks for all your help and kind words... I just hope my baby will be fine