Whiskey or Cigar Shell?
Good luck with your search whiskey and or Cigar are both beautiful and would be my 1st choice in an Indy
yeah if only it was so much easier getting those colors now.
I would like a cigar shell chukka w/ leather sole
I have a two pairs of Alden shoes and am not sure what last they are on.. I was told you cold tell the last based on the letters on the inside. Hoping to get some help here..
1. 0H09 027 8 20291 (Alden for J Gilbert Shortwing Shell Cordovan Blucher, Black)
2. 1E28 019 5 96903 (Alden Shell Cordovan Blucher, Color 8 )Appreciate any help..
1st is New Hampton Last
2nd can't find any info -
@derivative666 Thank you very much..
Very smart looking
yes, that, and the fact that I know what a good pair of shoes feels like, and I can never go back to whatever shite they're selling at the uniform store. For years, I thought my feet just hurt after standing for a while. I always hated Converse All-Stars as a child because my feet would be so miserable. It didn't occur to me until much later that the reason I don't wear many off-the-rack shoes is because they lack the support that I need. Honestly, my first pair of real shoes didn't come until about 5 years ago when I bought my first pair of Wescos. Then I started to really care about the quality of the things I was wearing. Then came Iron Heart…. yada yada yada. It's all been downhill from there
Back to your point though.... I think a lot of our uniforms are pretty good. The people that make decisions about what we wear at least offer a trial period to a chosen few to test out new uniforms. They also consider feedback from around the Navy which sometimes results in change for the better. All of our uniforms by law, have to made in the USA which lends a certain measure of quality to our gear.
My Service Dress Blue uniform is actually made by Brooks Brothers. It cost a bit more, but I don't wear it very often, and when I do I want it to look GOOD! Also, I figure I'll get at least 9 years of solid use out of it no problem (assuming I don't grow into it)
so it was worth investing a little more into a better quality uniform.
super late congrats.
i'm very proud of what you've dedicated yourself to as service members tend 2 get sh!t on despite all they sacrifice.