These are kind of cool burgundy roughout.
Got the image from this blog, it is kind of cool, has a zillion Wesco custom builds, leather samples, all kinds of stuff. Worth browsing through if you got nothing better to do.
@mahlon321 black leather and the black od´s are looking real badass, great choice!
My ideal Boss make up….
…..even with that fuck awful sole.
That's stunning G, is that a customer order? I see something very much like that in my future.
Well, @Sarina has superb taste then.
Well, @Sarina has superb taste
theneventually. -
It didn't take Sarina all that long to spec the boot… Once she got help from me.
My ideal Boss make up….
…..even with that fuck awful sole.
I have this (almost) exact pair except for the fact that they pulls instead of a top buckle. These are my typical day to day boots that I wear just about everywhere, one of the best footwear purchases I've ever made!
Gotta say those boots look amazing. With you on the no top buckle spec Clint.
Love them mega. That is exactly the kinda thing I want for a boot. I know the sole doesn't get much love here but I think it brings the boot into the modern world. No way could I wear a typical wesco boot sole with the big heel down the pub or to work on a daily basis. People would be asking me where my horse was!